[Spoilers] Question about book 1

Iron Gods

Scarab Sages

I will be GMing the Iron Gods soon and I had a question.

Where is the Warehouse is the power Relay? in the book it says "This device is hidden within the crate indicated on the map" but when I look at the map none of the crates look like they have been marked

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Albornzine wrote:

I will be GMing the Iron Gods soon and I had a question.

Where is the Warehouse is the power Relay? in the book it says "This device is hidden within the crate indicated on the map" but when I look at the map none of the crates look like they have been marked

Skipping spoiler boxes because this thread is clearly labeled "Spoilers."

In my experience with Paizo modules, about 1 out of 20 maps missed some detail mentioned in the text. This is one of those cases. Page 44 says, "This device is hidden within the crate indicated on the map—any character who comes within 10 feet of the crate can attempt a DC 15 Perception check; ...," yet the map on page 43 labeled Garmen's Warehouse lacks any such indication. I see two weird blue lines that I think represent ladders up to the catwalk.

Just pick a large crate. Which one really does not matter.

In my own Iron Gods campaign (Iron Gods among Scientists) the PCs entered the warehouse peacefully with Garmen Ulreth and Captain Aaronlu Langer at their side, so I did not bother showing them the map of the warehouse. Garmen was busy pretending that he knew nothing of the criminal activities of Meyanda, who had rented his warehouse.

Another detail was left out in Section C Science Deck and Section D Engineering Deck. Section B Habitat Dome had carefully mentioned the locked doors that required access cards to open. Then the matter was forgotten in the rest of the ship. My decision about locked and unlocked doors is at comment #25.

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