passengers in a vehicle

General Discussion

Shadow Lodge

Just had an amusing observation. Vehicle stats don't care about the size of the passengers. Whether you've got 4 goblins or 4 morlamaws, they all fill the space of the same 5'x10'x4' exploration buggy.

I would assume that passengers is equivalent to a typical humanoid, so number of passengers would adjust based on what went into the vehicle.

This is just using common sense.

Everyone needs to drive a vehicle, even the very tall.

On a serious note, I think it's just listing seatbelts. As long as folks fit by volume you should be fine, but maybe not comfortable. I wonder if goblins need a carseat.

I mean, whatever safety measures etc there are on board aren't going to stretch across more passengers just because those passengers are smaller.

So, trying to add extra to that is very likely to lead to someone having a bad time.

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