Funny things your players did (Spoiler heavy)

Carrion Crown

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So, I was curious about what funny things your players did in your campaign :)

(Of course, this thread is going to be spoiler heavy. Read at your own risks !)

I will try to remember some few things myself.

  • Book 1 : Everyone but the barbarian got afraid by the Poltergeist's power and fleed. The barbarian did not understand what was happening and just kept on attacking the Poltergeist for several rounds without making any damage to it, and the Poltergeist couldn't damage him as well.

  • Book 1 : The group fights their first Ectoplasmic creature, and the Witch Necromancer uses her powers to control it. Ensues a 30 minutes debate between the Witch and the Inquisitor of Sarenrae on "should the Witch keep controlling this undead, or should we realease it and kill it".

  • Book 2 : After fighting the Manticore, the PCs discover she was pregnant. They then proceed to burn through all of their spell slots and numerous Medicine rolls to save the baby Manticore. And they succeed ! But sadly they don't know how to take care of it and give it to someone :( No mascot Babyticore here :(

  • Book 2 : The PCs turned an abandonned church into a Disco Night after spamming light spells to kill a ghost.

  • Book 2 : The group fights through Schloss Caromarc. The Inquisitor and the Paladin bravely enter the destroyed laboratory. Then they spot the two Rust Monsters, run the other way and close the door after them, leaving the With and the Oracle alone.

  • Book 2 : A bit later, they encounter the giant ape-thing-golem. The Witch uses a power to reduce its Strength for 24 hours, and then another character uses their brand new Ring of the Ram to push the golem off the bridge. The golem lost just enough Strength to not be able to climb back :(

  • Book 3 : First conversation with Estovion Lozarov. They manage to talk about EVERY subjects that increase Lozarov's paranoia. Half a day later, they triggered every remaining points that increase his paranoia, except talking to his assistant before talking to him.

  • Book 3 : PCs are attacked by a bunch of werewolves while going to Desna's temple. The werewolves start by killing off their horses so they can't escape. The Witch necromancer resurrects the horses, jumps on one of the undead horsies, and yells to her comrade : "Jump on these horses if you want to stay alive !" The Paladin of Iomedae looks at her for a few seconds. Before muttering "may my goddess pardon me" and jump on one of the zombie horses.

  • Book 3 : PCs were not discreet in the abandoned town and trigerred every encounters at the south of the map. This resulted in the random spawn of one cultist and 15 undeads. How did they manage to kill them ? The Hunter got on his Roc and flew, while the Witch used Fly on her and the Paladin of Iomedae, and then the Witch casted Black Tentacles on the ground. With the Warpriest of Desna in the middle of the zone. And the Warpriest failed his save. Ensues hentai references. The cultist will forever be remembered as "Bob, the cultist with 15 undeads, who went a little too trigger happy with his Animate Undead wand".

  • Book 4 : Paladin gets attacked by a swarm. Hunter casts Resist fire on him, and then summon a bunch of Small Fire Elementals who proceed to do a group hug with the Paladin.

  • Book 4 : The group lets a Necrocraft babysit the baby they just found.

  • Book 4 : "F*ck, I don't have any Teleport spells left." - The Witch in front of the Spawn of Shub'Nigurat.

  • Book 5 : The group finds the hag's skull and turns it into dust. But not before wondering if they can turn it into bone meal, bake it, and eat it.

  • Book 6 : In the middle of Virlych, the Witch and the Hunter cast multiple spell to create a little hut at the border of a little pound, surrounded by berry schrubs. In the middle of Virlych.

  • Book 6 : After discovering that the giant doors in front of Gibet is made of adamantium, one of my players tried to calculate its price... (Aproximately 150 000 000 GP) They begged me to take the doors and resell them.

And you ? Do you have fun stories to tell about your campaign ? :)

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I have my own manticore story. I figured since manticores are intelligent and able to speak, I had it shout at the party to leave before attacking. They responded by attempting diplomacy, and rolled a 30. I shrugged and it told them they could search most of the island but not the area near her nest.

On the morning of second day of the trial, my players were submitting evidence to the court. When they got to the body of the child they brought from Hergstag, I said, out of character "Hang on, did you bring a dead child to the inn overnight?" Cue a bunch of mortified laughter and requests to retcon that.

Scarab Sages

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Selling the adamantine doors harkens back to the first time I GM'd through Carrion Crown where the party sold (30K) the adamantine hatch separating the Girallion Flesh Golem from the Abberant Promethean.

Lets see a few that pop to mind from our current playthrough.

B1 - The party basically got Grimburrow kicked out of the temple because of his continued neglect to purge the ghosts of Harrowstone.

B2 - The party came back to Lepidstadt (they were in Hergstag) too late in the evening the night of the Riot. The guards at the courthouse proceeded to massacre the rioters, killing around 20.

B3 - The party killed Mathus before any of the other wolves up in the Stairs of the Moon, triggering the lady wolf to rip out and eat his heart and claim Packlord status, as the other wolves from his clan started trying to bull rush each other off the tower to claim clan alpha status.

B4 - Party befriended the Cult of Dagon, well the one Vicar left at the temple. They set the tick swarm on fire and watched it kill one of the other Vicars. The third Vicar fled the flaming ticks, leaving the Priest and Giant to fight the party. Vicar at town thanked them for the insta-promotion, and began openly inviting them to the CE Demon Worship services.

B4 - Two folks lost their sanity when seeing Shub-Nub through the rift after killing the Dark Young. One of them became amnesiac (which later became a way to retrain into a diff class), and the other (an alcohol themed Cayden worshipper) gained a sexually satisfying mania any time he drank alcohol.

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Book 2: Attacking the ghasts in the basement of Brada's Sanctuary, the bloodrager failed his reflex save to not fall in to the wizard's pit and fell in with the ghast. He promptly wrestled the ghoul to the ground while the ghast failed to penetrate his heavy armor (Steelblooded), who begged for his un-life. I was doing a Fallout-style ghoul voice and tried having the ghast convince the bloodrager that he was in love with him (while the wizard pumped Disrupt Undeads in to his noggin).

Book 2: Peri-blooded aasimar using the pyrotechnics SLA on a bonfire beside the Punishing Man and blinding/pissing off much of the angry mob. Not during the combat or anything, just casually while walking by.

Book 3: The wizard implied to Madame Ivanja that he shoots too quick while trying to have her let them see Niama upstairs.

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