Seekers of Legend RPG, an OGL based Epic Fantasy Kickstarter


Lantern Lodge

Greetings fellow adventurers
The Seekers of Legend Epic Fantasy RPG (SoL) Is a roleplaying game based on the Open Gaming License 1.0a and the Kickstarter has been Launched somewhat in a response to the PF2 playtest. The system is designed to act as a backwards compatible successor to both Paizo's Premier RPG and the 3rd iteration of the oldest and most popular Fantasy RPG.

SoL is set to have a significantly higher base power level for both players and monsters, as an example during Character creation if you choose the Point-buy system it will assume that each player begins with 30 points for an average game, with 25 or lower for the low-power options and 35 for high-power campaigns. However, to compensate for the significantly boosted character base power there will be a host of improvements applied to Monsters, as an example Dragons will have DR Adamantine and magic and their fear aura will be constantly active.

If you want more information there will be a Stream tonight at 6PM EST on Twitch or you can check out the various Social media pages:
Teespring: mp;sid=front

Regards Ronin_Knight

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

It would probably help if you didn't have typos in the very Kickstarter page ("suh a game").

I'd probably also run the whole thing through a proofreader. You have some inconsistencies in the text, there's a "Like" with a capital "L" in the middle of one sentence as well as some other random capitalization here and there, your numerals for thousands are separated by a comma in one place and aren't in others.

And stuff like that kinda matters if you're trying to build confidence in a book publishing project.

Lantern Lodge

Thanks, Gorbacz
The editing issues have been fixed now.

Liberty's Edge

Gorbacz wrote:

It would probably help if you didn't have typos in the very Kickstarter page ("suh a game").

I'd probably also run the whole thing through a proofreader. You have some inconsistencies in the text, there's a "Like" with a capital "L" in the middle of one sentence as well as some other random capitalization here and there, your numerals for thousands are separated by a comma in one place and aren't in others.

And stuff like that kinda matters if you're trying to build confidence in a book publishing project.


Also found this interesting "add in the Shaman a Spontaneous divine caster whose powers come from the spirits of the world rather than directly from the gods"

Sounds a lot like the Shaman from Kobold Press

One of the classes in the New Paths Compendium: Expanded Edition also from from Kobold Press.

Yeah I saw all the typos and just turned the page.

And isn’t the Oracle a spontaneous divine caster?

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