Pregens In Case Players Die - Droids / Robots


Liberty's Edge

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I am running an adventure where there would be no nearby civilizations at their current location, so races for any filler characters to replaced dead characters would be nearly non-existent. The SRO is one could be in storage that could come back after several millennia. On this note, I want to create one of each class that are based on famous robots and droids from sci-fi franchises. Looking for assistance on famous movie or TV droids/robots

R2-D2 : Small SRO, Ace Pilot, Mechanic(exocortex)
C-3PO : Medium SRO, Envoy, Xenoseeker
K-2SO : Medium SRO, Mercenary, Soldier(Sharpshooter?)

You *really* need to make HK-47 and option :)

Grand Lodge

Neat idea. You might find this list of fictional robots helpful to you in your quest.


Liberty's Edge

Nice list on that Wiki. I will have to scan through that on a break

Sovereign Court

If you don't want to do only robots, you could always have the PCs find someone in a stasis escape pod who's been there for Pharasma knows how long. Could be an alien from an unknown system too.

I think doing the old Lost in Space robot as a medium SRO melee character with the bodyguard/in harm's way feat would be great. Soldier would probably be the best fit.

"Danger Shar Tahl!" *steps in front of attack*


You could use Androids as well, they could have been jettisoned into space and you could even have the old character's souls get shunted into the Android bodies.

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