Sunrise Maiden flip map

Dead Suns

I was looking at purchasing the Sunrise Maiden flip map and was wondering does the ship flip map come into play during the adventure path? Are there any encounters on the Maiden that the flip map would be used?

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Aramis wrote:
I was looking at purchasing the Sunrise Maiden flip map and was wondering does the ship flip map come into play during the adventure path? Are there any encounters on the Maiden that the flip map would be used?

My Dead Suns group has had 3 fights on the Sunrise Maiden in book 1 through 4. They also enjoy customizing it, and have garden and animal specimen space, and have converted the galley and dining area into a bar with tables and holo-fireplace.

I first drew the ship before the flip-mat though, and I have been modifying it as we go.

It really depends on the GM, but for my group, the ship is the character's home and is a character itself.

There is one encounter designed to occur on the Sunrise Maiden and opportunity for maybe another two take place on it. You don't need it, but it can help the players get a sense of place where they live for this game.

It does look really cool and adds a sense of "this is OUR spaceship" to the group. The players really get a lot out of it, much more than just a "map". I have used both sides of the map (exterior and interior) for several encounters. I do find it very useful.

There are not a lot of maps that get used over and over again, but this is definitely one of them.

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