Ki leech. Does every living kreature have Ki points ? or are there exceptions ?

Rules Questions

You place your spirit in a receptive state so when you confirm a critical hit against a living enemy or reduce a living enemy to 0 or fewer hit points, you can steal some of that creature’s ki

I think The Raw states that you actually steal ki from a living creature and it 100 % of the time it has Ki in its body.

Am i Right or Wrong on that one ?

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I mean, "ki points" don't exist anymore so let me just check the CRB and see what this power is about because I don't remember it being back...

This is the playtest forum my dude. Got me hungering for a monk feat to be added that does something like this.

Anyhow, answer is yes you would always get ki from any living creature. Your confusion seems to lie within the flavor text they wove into the rules text there, understandable.

"Ki" is an alternate spelling of "Qi" or "Chi".

Definition: "vital energy that is held to animate the body internally and is of central importance in some Eastern systems of medical treatment (such as acupuncture) and of exercise or self-defense (such as Tai Chi)" (Merriam Webster)

So yes, all living things have Ki. 1e monks use Ki Points for some abilities and can use Ki Leech to steal living energy (Ki) from living creatures to restore their Ki Points, even if that living creature does not have any Ki Points of its own.

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Kerx wrote:

This is the playtest forum my dude. Got me hungering for a monk feat to be added that does something like this.

sry about that. first time posting. is there some way to move my post somewhere else ?

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martn wrote:
Kerx wrote:

This is the playtest forum my dude. Got me hungering for a monk feat to be added that does something like this.
sry about that. first time posting. is there some way to move my post somewhere else ?

You can flag your post and for reason put "Wrong Forum". Mods will move it automatically to the correct forum.

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Most of the description is flavor text anyway - you don't really "steal" ki (if you crit an enemy Monk he doesn't lose ki, for instance).

"When you confirm a critical hit against a living enemy or reduce a living enemy to 0 or fewer hit points, you replenish 1 point of ki as long as you have at least 1 ki point in your ki pool. This does not allow you to exceed your ki pool’s maximum. This ability does not stack with similar abilities (such as the steal ki ability of the hungry ghost monk)."

That is what Ki Leech does, nothing more, nothing less.

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