Timeline of historical events *SPOILERS*

Iron Gods

So I was wondering whether or not any of the books detail any sort of timeframe for when things happen. Such as:
1) When did Destiny leave Androffan?
2) When did it reach Kasath?
3) When did Destiny first tangle with the Dominion of the Black?
4) When did Destiny crash into Golarion?

I'd be very appreciative for any help in time frames on these things as I'm trying to piece together a history for the world of Kasath in my Starfinder campaign. (I've finished the AP but never read the books).

John Lynch 106 wrote:

So I was wondering whether or not any of the books detail any sort of timeframe for when things happen. Such as:

1) When did Destiny leave Androffan?
2) When did it reach Kasath?
3) When did Destiny first tangle with the Dominion of the Black?
4) When did Destiny crash into Golarion?

I'd be very appreciative for any help in time frames on these things as I'm trying to piece together a history for the world of Kasath in my Starfinder campaign. (I've finished the AP but never read the books).

By Destiny do you mean Divinity? If so, #4 was the Rain of Stars, and is noted in the Inner Sea World Guide as well as Numeria: Land of Fallen Stars.

I thought Destiny was the name of the ship and divinity the name of the engine? Regardless, yes that is what I meant.

The Inner Sea World Guide says that the Rain of Stars happened long ago, perhaps even before the Age of Darkness. I was wondering if the AP (or the Numeria book) had a bit more certainty?

John Lynch 106 wrote:

I thought Destiny was the name of the ship and divinity the name of the engine? Regardless, yes that is what I meant.

The Inner Sea World Guide says that the Rain of Stars happened long ago, perhaps even before the Age of Darkness. I was wondering if the AP (or the Numeria book) had a bit more certainty?

Divinity is the name of the lead ship in the caravan of vessels as illustrated on the inside front cover of the Divinity Drive module. The timeline on page 4 of Numeria: Land of Fallen Stars shows on the Numeria Timeline that the Rain of Stars occurred on -4363 AR and that "A massive alien spaceship crashes on Golarion." This was after Earthfall which was -5293 AR.

Addressing your number 3, according to the adventure path, Divinity tangled with the Dominion just before they created the wormhole that led them to Golarion, so not long at all, most likely the same year by Golarion's reckoning.

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