We finished a pbp Carrion Crown!

Online Campaigns General Discussion

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After more than 5 years of playing on these boards we finally bring our Carrion Crown game to a finish.

It's needed a huge amount of commitment from both myself and the players but it was ultimately so worth it. As far as I know there are only a very few adventure paths to actually finish and it's easy to understand why so this is a little bit of blowing my own trumpet - I hope you'll forgive me that - I am just very proud that we achieved it.

Here is the gameplay thread if anyone is interested. It's a good read and full of great characters and memorable moments.

For anyone about to begin a game then I wish you luck, it's a great undertaking. For anyone who is part way through, stick with it!

Here's to another 5 year game starting soon.

As someone just starting a campaign on this site, great to hear the feeling you have making it to the endgame! Congrats!

Congratulations! That's a great achievement!

Did your campaign end with the original players? The original characters?

I actually came across that game when I was looking through long-running campaign threads on this site, I've been reading it off and on for a few months now. Congratulations on finishing it.

Dark Archive

Our IRL game stopped after book 5 due to players getting jobs, moving and having children.
I look forward to reading it and comparing notes. :-)

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