Repeatable Quest Pack Questions

Starfinder Society

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I noticed a PbP post and I also noticed this last year at an in-person game at a convention.

Do the repeatable Quest packs (Into the Unknown, Ashes of Discovery, Dreaming of the Future) REQUIRE the use of pregen characters?

If so, how does the credit for them apply for a character that's out of subtier?

If not, may we please have a clarification on this?

The Exchange 1/5 5/55/55/55/5

Starfinder Charter Superscriber

The only time pre-gens were required explicitly for quests for SFS was on Thursday at Gen Con 2017.

The characters that are available to be used are spelled out in each quest pack, for instance this is what Into the Unknown says,

"Each player must use one of the 1st-level Starfinder Society pregenerated characters, which are available at StarfinderSociety/GMResources, or a 1st-level character of the player’s own creation, using the rules set forth in the Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide."

Here's what Dreaming of the Future says,

"Each player must use one of the 1st-level or 4th-level Starfinder Society pregenerated characters, which are available at paizo. com/StarfinderSociety/GMResources, or a 1st through 4th-level character of the player’s own creation using the rules set forth in the Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide."

Of note, 1-12, Ashes of Discovery is not a quest pack and does not have the above language.

You cannot play Into the Unknown with a character that is not level 1, and you cannot apply credit from a lower level pre-gen to a higher level character, so there's no conflict here.

For Dreaming of the Future it works like any other 1-4 scenario.

As far as I'm aware a GM cannot prevent a player from bringing a legal character to a public SFS event, the only reason for denying someone the ability to play a character at a public event is if they are deemed to be invalid in some way (lack of chronicle backup for items they use, lack of proof of ownership or resources, etc.) not because they only want to run a game for pre-gens. I believe GMs have more leeway with private events as to what they may and may not allow since effectively they can say no to someone wanting to play in the first place.

** Venture-Lieutenant

No the only scenario that requires pregen characters is the special SFS#1-00 Claim to Salvation. This is clearly stated in the GM information at the beginning of the scenario.

Into the Unknown and Dreaming of the Future do not allow the slotting of boons, but can be played by any character in the level range. While it is not stated specifically in the scenario about the character requirement it would default to the SFS guide with the exception of not allowing boons to be slotted. The exception to normal rules is also clearly stated in scenario.

Skittershot's sanctioning document requires the pregens from the module or a valid Skittermander PC again stated directly in the sanctioning document.

Ashes of Discovery is not a quest pack but a repeatable scenario and does not have any exception to the normal rules of character use other than it is repeatable.


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