What does Inubrix Armor do? (Armory)

Rules Questions

9 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

Page 67 of Armory lists Inubrix as a special material that can be added to ammo, armor, and weapons. Its full description details what it does for weapons and ammo, but not armor (unless I'm very blind). Does anybody know what it does when woven into armor?

Thanks in advance!

I think it does nothing by design, but they standardized the price info for all materials so it looks like there’s a missing option.

Now that the Starwright Archetype exists, we know that Inubrix as a special material for armor is intended, which in turn means the original question from Armory's release has now become relevant again, wondering what it does in the hands (body?) of a non-Starwright.

I don’t think a hideously broken ability sneaked in by a freelancer on a fringe archetype tells us anything about a supposed developer intent on another minor rules element from a different development team years prior.

There is nothing incorrect in what you said.

However, since this forum is called "rules questions" and I have a question about these particular rules, I felt like asking in the hopes of someone seeing it who knows the answer.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think the answer for why there is no armor entry is because inubrix is too soft to function as a building material,as per the lore. I think the rules for making inubrix armor are not stated because there are none to be had, it would make sense considering it is the softest of all Starmetals.

In the off chance that there is something missing I hit the faq button, because it would be really interesting to see what its used for.

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