Cyberborn cybernetics hacking bonus?

Rules Questions

So, the Cyberborn Theme description contains the following:



You understand the potential vulnerabilities of cybernetics and have tinkered extensively with your own to make them more resilient. The DC to hack your cybernetic augmentations via magic or technological means increases by 5, thanks to the devious security countermeasures you have added to them. Additionally, your cybernetic augmentations grant you electricity resistance 5; this resistance stacks with one other source of energy resistance.

Italics mine, for emphasis.

But the Cybernetics entry for Augmentation says this:
Cybernetics are more than just machine implants: they are complex meldings of technology and the living host’s own organs. This allows them to be hardened against assaults that affect other technologies in ways robots and other entirely technological creatures can’t. Cybernetics are not subject to any effect or attack that targets technology unless it specifies that it affects cybernetics.

There is nothing in the hacking rules that says anything at all about cybernetics (nor is there anything about hacking them anywhere else I could find - let alone DCs to do so), thus cybernetics baseline cannot be hacked by any conventional means. So... what is the use of Hardened Systems? Is it just the resistance bonus?

Scarab Sages Starfinder Design Lead

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It's futureproofing.
Abilities that call out they work against cybernetics can still do all those things, and once they exist, they will be less effective against the cyberborn.
Until then, you get the energy resistance (which stacks, to ensure it remains useful)

Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:

It's futureproofing.

Abilities that call out they work against cybernetics can still do all those things, and once they exist, they will be less effective against the cyberborn.
Until then, you get the energy resistance (which stacks, to ensure it remains useful)

Right, still releasing core content. Gotten too settled in Pathfinder not shaking up basic mechanics, I gotta remember that Starfinder is still in its early stages. Thanks!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yeah, I caught onto that as well, and figured it was future proofing or something similar.

I've even future-proofed a character or two, using adaptive biochains to ensure that whatever devious anti-cyborg rules and abilities the developers come up with won't effect them.

It would be better if it applied its bonus against the existing anti-cyborg abilities (which are all non-hacking so far).

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