Rant! upgrading the board software again has broken them badly

Website Feedback

The Exchange

well... Sorry for the Rant - but I need to get this off my chest.

over the course of the last year there has been a bit of "upgrading" done to the Piazo web-site. Mostly... each change has been for the worse. It has finally gotten to the point that the site is nearly unworkable.

I know several people who don't even bother to try to struggle thru them any more.

But this last change has broken the boards badly. When I try to access the site thru my Ipad... I am unable to actually post anything, and have little navigation abilities. I can no longer even see most of the threads and those I can see I can't post to. So, I went to a Desktop Machine to use a different browser. I.E. (Internet Explorer) is slightly better, but still a real struggle. And I am unable to actually access the lower half of the page (that includes the "submit Post" button). With Firefox I was able to get to the "Post" buttons (otherwise you wouldn't be seeing this... as I wouldn't be able to post it), but it still looks really bad.

Are you guys actually TRYING to make "the Piazo Experience" bad? I just got back from GenCon - why the heck did you do an "upgrade" during GenCon?

Anyway... please quit messing with something that works.... not that it actually does any more. It would be nice if you fixed it - but at this point I figure the next "up-grade" will make it totally unavailable to me.

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