Help with a character concept?

Hell's Vengeance

Grand Lodge

I'm going to be one of the players in the campaign in about 2 months, and while I've already got a character written up that I might use (A Gnome Skald), I have another character concept sitting that I'd like to try out in an 'evil' campaign.

The general idea is that the character is a fast-talking conman of a gambler, one who cheats people out of their cash and then offers to give them back their losses in return for 'favors' down the road. They'd use these built-up favors for things like information gathering or help with 'jobs'.

They'd be a 'face' character, basically, quick with their words and their knives, but I don't know what kind of build to use.

I was thinking something with decent DEX and CHA, using dirty tricks like throwing a deck of playing cards in the opponents face and then stabbing them, anyone got ideas?


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

That's a rogue, all day long.

Being in Cheliax, the gnome might work, but so would a human.

I like the idea alot. It will be a lot of fun in books 2, 4, and 6.

I will agree with a rogue. A bard would also work well but noted that you already had a skald above. Using either would also provide access to a lot of enchantment spells that would be a boon to the concept.

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