Any benefit to linking point defense weapons on turret?

General Discussion

Grand Lodge

I like the idea of two Flak Guns on the starship's turret, each has a +8 to destroy a missile, but if they are linked is it two rolls at +8 or one roll at +16, or is there no benefit?

Linked weapons fire as one, you only make one attack roll when firing them. The main reason to use linked weapons is that you can increase the potential damage you deal with each attack action.

Since point weapons are binary in that they either miss or destroy incoming missiles, I don't think twin-linked point weapons get an extra benefit in this regard.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

And since linked weapons fire at the same time, you can't use the Flak Throwers against two different missiles.

Now, mounting a point weapon (or possibly two for larger ships) on a turret isn't a bad idea for ship defense; it allows you to attempt to shoot down missiles from any arc. It's just that the drawbacks of linking them usually outweigh the potential benefits.

Grand Lodge

I guess I was thinking that if a linked Flak Thrower does twice the damage from firing two weapons on a single gunnery check then one might combine the value of linked point defense weapons against a single incoming missile. If there's no value to such an arrangement, then un-linking them for two bites at the same apple would be better.

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