Elinnea |

While I was catching up on Know Direction’s seminar coverage of PaizoCon, I discovered that their podcast episode recorded at the convention featured Mike Selinker as guest. He talked a bit about the changes they’re working on for the PACG, the upcoming Curse of the Crimson Throne adventure, designing the harrow deck, and a few other things. Also vinegar drinking soda for some reason? I thought it was pretty interesting.
Here’s the link for anyone who wants to give it a listen:

elcoderdude |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

Thanks for posting this. I enjoyed it, and I learned a few things.
Tips for the benefits of others:
1. Weirdly, although the entire podcast is a conversation with Mike, his name is not on the page Elinnea's link goes to. Don't be dismayed.
2. Some times from the podcast:
0-2:49 Random noise, pretty much
2:49-7:10 Aimless chatter
7:10 Here we are at PaizoCon
7:10-9:39 More chatter
9:39 Substantial discussion about PACG begins here
37:41 PACG discussion ends
37:42 Discussing harrow deck, Pathfinder RPG 2.0
54ish Selinker comments on playtesting (both PACG and RPG)
59th ends
3. My point is: 9:39 to 37:41 is the main PACG content
4. It's easier to move to the exact time if you download the podcast instead of playing it in your browser. But be forewarned it is 80 MB.
(I'm assuming the aimlessness of the beginning is a byproduct of having a live podcast, and is not typical of Know Direction. As you may sense, I don't usual listen to gaming podcasts.)

Elinnea |

That’s true, it’s not the normal format of their podcast, probably due to a combination of having a live audience, being in the convention atmosphere, having a time-restricted seminar slot, and being mostly unedited (since they’re releasing all of the PaizoCon seminar recordings at a very rapid pace).
But thanks for making note of the relevant timestamps, that’s very helpful.