SFS 1-99 GM Question

GM Discussion

Liberty's Edge 1/5 5/55/55/55/5 ** Venture-Captain, Illinois—Fairview Heights

What is the appropriate channel for asking about information from 1-99? I’m asking as I prep for Origins. The last paragraph on the left column of page 10 lists three things, but only two are explained in the section above. Obviously, I’d like to ask a more specific question and ensure the other Table GMs have the information as well, although I’m sure Thursty can probably derive my specific question from the above information.

Paizo Employee 5/5 Starfinder Society Developer

Jacob Rennels wrote:
What is the appropriate channel for asking about information from 1-99? I’m asking as I prep for Origins. The last paragraph on the left column of page 10 lists three things, but only two are explained in the section above. Obviously, I’d like to ask a more specific question and ensure the other Table GMs have the information as well, although I’m sure Thursty can probably derive my specific question from the above information.

See answer in: This Thread.

Liberty's Edge 1/5 5/55/55/55/5 ** Venture-Captain, Illinois—Fairview Heights

Thanks, Thursty. I didn’t think exclusive content could be posted publicly. I should have looked anyway. I appreciate the assist.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Generally, if there's a question about how to GM a scenario, the GM Discussion Thread is the best place to look ^_^

You might even be the first person to ask it!

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