Late arrival

PaizoCon General Discussion

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Will badge/swag pick up be available for late arrivals on Friday night? or will that have to wait until Saturday morning?

I'm not 100% sure, but I usually get in Friday night and I believe I've always been able to check in and pick up my swag bag when I get there.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service & Community Manager

Registration is open until about 6pm when the store closes on Friday. We open back up again at 7am on Saturday morning. After things calm down on Friday morning we are able to consolidate space enough that we have started bringing it into the PaizoCon store after the initial Friday rush.

Grand Lodge

Sara Marie wrote:
Registration is open until about 6pm when the store closes on Friday. We open back up again at 7am on Saturday morning. After things calm down on Friday morning we are able to consolidate space enough that we have started bringing it into the PaizoCon store after the initial Friday rush.

If we arrive after 6 on Friday will we still be able to get into events (like the Glass Cannon Podcast event)? I will be heading there after work in Seattle, and who knows what traffic will be like...

Liberty's Edge

What time is opening Friday. I wouldnt be able to make it till after 7pm Friday but I may try stopping by before I head to work.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service & Community Manager

We open at 7am and historically have gone through the line in under an hour. After that people trickle in and there is sometimes no line and sometimes a few minute wait.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I'll be too late for a Friday pick up. Does registration start back up at 7 on Saturday?

Lantern Lodge Customer Service & Community Manager

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Yes, registration will begin again at 7am on Saturday. Since I'm seeing a number of people this is a concern for, I'm considering alternatives.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service & Community Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote:
Yes, registration will begin again at 7am on Saturday. Since I'm seeing a number of people this is a concern for, I'm considering alternatives.

We won't be able to have after hours badge pick up. PaizoCon is a fairly small and chill convention though, so I wouldn't forsee it being an issue. To be on the safe side, you could maybe print or have on your phone, a copy of your schedule from events page.

Grand Lodge

Does anyone know if showing up late to a scheduled game is an issue? I'll be coming from Bremerton and hope to arrive at 7 but possibly 730 for scenario 8-16 house of harmonious wisdom. I've been trying to start a discussion on the adventure to no avail. Thanks

Dark Archive

Start a regular thread. If you are 30 minutes late, you will likely miss the first quest. The real issue is someone taking yer seat at the table.

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