Hammer Fist vs Power Armor damage

Rules Questions

I'm here for a quick rules clarification.

If I choose the Armor Storm fighting style for a soldier, when I hit level 5 and get access to power armor, am I forced to use the hammer fist damage as opposed to the power armor's damage?

I worry that I'd be crippling my character's damage potential by restricting myself to that 1d4 cestus battle glove damage as opposed to the 1d10 Battle Harness damage.

At 5th level, the damage for each would be as follows:

Hammer Fist: 1d4+13 (4 from 18 STR, 2 from Melee Striker gear boost, 2 from Hammer Fist bonus for taking Melee Striker, 5 from Weapon Spec.)

Power Armor: 1d10+11 (4 from 18 STR, 2 from Melee Striker gear boost, 5 from Weapon Spec.)

Yeah, the official text doesn't offer an option but good sense implies it should.

I'd let my player use whichever damage was more favorable. At level 10+ the Battle Glove dice scale better than current power armor. You probably already know that though. ;)

Thanks, Oldskool. I did notice that, I'm trying to take a step by step approach to this character's development, and making sure there aren't any pitfalls.

I hope my GM agrees with your good sense!

Hopefully, it all works out.

Another thing, when I say I'd allow what was more favorable that includes damage type.

Who knows, you may find that bludgeoning everything with Battle Glove damage after 10th level is great, but then you fight that weird alien that is immune to bludgeoning damage. I'd let the player default to the power armor's base damage plus alternate type if it wasn't disruptive. I think either the Spider Harness or Loader do 1d10 P plus modifiers. So the player could use the lesser damage dice method instead, but that is better than continuing to punch an immune target.

Something to think about even if it may not come up in game. Good luck!

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