GMTrex's PFS [Standard] Echoes of the Everwar Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Andrew Trexler

Briefing | Tactical Map

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Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 5



Six weeks ago, a team of Pathfinders was gathered at the Sothis Pathfinder Lodge in Osirion and ordered to travel far to the north into the decidedly unfriendly Hold of Belkzen. Venture-Captain Norden Balentiir gave the team two missions: first, to uncover the whereabouts of a Pathfinder delver named Heralt who was last seen working out of a hidden Chelish fort called Skull Hill, and second, to investigate claims in a long-ago published volume of the Pathfinder Chronicles that a lost tomb rests beneath the fort’s timber tower--a tomb that holds the body of Akila, a legendary Osirian sorceress, and her magic ring that was said to have brought death to Skull Hill the day Akila was laid to rest.

After weeks aboard a smelly Katapeshi galley crossing the Inner Sea, winding up the Sellen River, bravely traversing stormy Lake Encarthan, slipping up The Path, and finally docking in Vigil, the Pathfinders then crossed the Belkzen frontier into a region the orcs call the Skittering Mounds, carefully avoiding orcish patrols. Now they stand atop a ridge overlooking a low river valley and stare down at the fort called Skull Hill.

Silver Crusade

Spells Cleric 17 (HP: 190/190), Init: +1, AC: 28 T: 15, FF: 28, Perception +12, F: +12, R: +6, W: +16, CMB: +9, CMD: 21, Concentration +19, Defensively +25
Per Diem:
  • Channel: (5d6 DC 20) 2/8
  • Touch of Glory (+11 to CHA skills) 9/10
  • Divine Presence (30' Sanctuary DC 20) 11/11
  • Rebuke Death (1d4+5) 10/10 Extend Rod 2/3, 5* re-roll 1/1
  • A Kelish man with rigid posture enters the room. His comportment is not haughty, just self-disciplined. His facial hair and dress are those of a native of Sothis, though he pulls it off well. He wears the trappings of the Dawnflower. They are of fine make, but bear a touch of bleeching from the sun. At his hip is a scimitar held in an old leather scabbard. The scabbard has numerous nicks and stains on it, a strange contrast to the rest of his gear. His armor and shield are polished to a mirror-like finish. When he bows in greeting it is low and genuine. "Greetings and salutations. I am Sareth Manudea, a High Priest of Sarenrae."

    The boat travel does little to change Sareth's mood. He spends most of those days getting to know his partymates. He prays daily, practices daily, and polishes his armor daily.

    Liberty's Edge

    Male Kitsune Dervish Dancer 11 | AC 25 T 17 FF 19 | HP 80/80 | F +6 R +14 W +9 | Init +7 | Perc +14 | Dance 31/31 | Reroll: Used

    The Tien man you traveled with looks slightly antsy throughout the journey. However, now that you have arrived at your destination, he relaxes and lets his fur show.

    He wears a gleaming chain shirt of quality mithral and a fiery scarf about his waist, seeming to match exactly the orange and whites in his own fur coat. Through his plain breeches, a bushy tail pokes out, almost creating the illusion that the scarf's fire is flowing behind him.

    He, too, holds a scimitar at his hip and his eyes gleam at Sareth's introduction.

    "I am pleased to see another servant of the Dawnflower with us! I am Quinn Kouniashi, proprieter of the Taldan dance house, the Troubadour's Square in Oppara. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Say, if you should like a sparring partner, I would be most glad of some practice myself."

    In practice (as in combat), he is ever on the move, literally dancing past blows and tumbling about.

    Shenanigany stuff:
    Quinn uses his Perform (dance) skill any time he would use an Acrobatics check, which is currently at +31.
    His battle dances only benefit himself and will be detailed when he uses them so often as I remember.
    50 ft move speed while dancing, faster if hasted or using a certain dance.
    Doesn't do a lot of damage, but tries his best to distract enough.

    Silver Crusade

    Spells Cleric 17 (HP: 190/190), Init: +1, AC: 28 T: 15, FF: 28, Perception +12, F: +12, R: +6, W: +16, CMB: +9, CMD: 21, Concentration +19, Defensively +25
    Per Diem:
  • Channel: (5d6 DC 20) 2/8
  • Touch of Glory (+11 to CHA skills) 9/10
  • Divine Presence (30' Sanctuary DC 20) 11/11
  • Rebuke Death (1d4+5) 10/10 Extend Rod 2/3, 5* re-roll 1/1
  • "it is a pleasure to meet you. I'm happy to spar, though I don't know how much of a challenge I can offer. Still, if I score a lucky hit, I promise to patch you up, good as new."

    crunchy summary:
    sareth's abilities are as cliche as they come for clerics. Healing domain and glory. I play him generous with magic and prefer to cast spells before combat, even if it means a buff or two gets wasted.

    -Posted with Wayfinder

    Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 5

    From atop the ridge, the party can see the entirety of the fort, a motte-and-bailey resting on the shores of a small, shallow waterway called the Skittering River. The front gates to both the motte and the bailey appear smashed in, there are scorch marks all along the palisade, and there are three craters--two in the bailey and one at the base of the timber tower atop the motte. There appears to be no sign of movement from the ridge, though a thin wisp of smoke rises from the timber tower’s chimney.

    DC 10 Diplomacy (Gather Information):
    Before departing Sothis, you learned that Heralt is a Pathfinder delver, known for his many explorations of regions that don’t look favorably on Pathfinders--regions such as the Hold of Belkzen, Druma, and the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. He was last seen in Vigil, preparing to travel to the incredibly dangerous region of Belkzen called the Skittering Mounds.
    DC 15:
    You also learned that Heralt was traveling to the Skittering Mounds to seek out a hidden Chelish fort called Skull Hill. He was said to be posing as an explorer from a minor noble house of Cheliax, and was there seeking a lost tomb for the Pathfinder Society.
    DC 25:
    Finally, you learned that Heralt’s last report from Skull Hill was that he’d confirmed the existence of the tomb of the famed Osirian sorceress Akila, but that access to it was blocked and it was going to take some time to get inside. He promised to report again in a week and it’s been months since he was last heard from.

    DC 10 Diplomacy (Gather Information):
    During your travels, you learned that Skull Hill was a strategic Chelish fort in modern day Belkzen that the nation of Cheliax used for mercenary recruitment and weapons trading during the Everwar. It was destroyed when Cheliax ceded those lands to Belkzen.
    DC 15:
    You have heard rumors that Skull Hill still exists. The Chelish government has kept it secret for centuries and they use the hidden fort to keep tabs on the Belkzen orc tribes.
    DC 25:
    Secrets tell that Skull Hill is part of a complex spy network that Cheliax uses to keep tabs on Belkzen, Lastwall, Varisia, Nidal, and Nirmathas. Ominously, no one has heard anything from Skull Hill in months.

    DC 10 Knowledge (History):
    In your studies, you have learned that Akila was an Osirian sorceress who died somewhere in the Chelish frontier during the Everwar.
    DC 15:
    Additionally, you have read that Akila was the mistress of Skull Hill during the Everwar and used the fort to build a mercenary army that she sold to whoever paid the most--she was not loyal to Cheliax and spoke often of her patron in Sothis. One day she dropped dead of seemingly nothing and as she was laid to rest, the magic ring she always wore on her left hand emitted a horrifying necromantic energy that nearly killed everyone in the fort.
    DC 25:
    Personal research years ago led you to stumble upon the Chronicle Balentiir referred to. Akila was buried in caverns deep beneath Skull Hill’s timber tower lest someone find her ring and figure out how to activate its power. A Pathfinder once resided in Skull Hill a hundred or so years ago and reported Akila’s cavern as a rumor in one of his reports back to Absalom.

    Silver Crusade

    M Half-orc Warpriest 10 [ HP 56/83 (0 NL) | AC 30 Tch 11 FF 29 | Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +11 | CMD 21 | Init +0 | Perc +9, darkvision, scent | Effects: haste, inspire +2, sacred weapon 1/10 ]

    Meetin' Time

    "Greetings," rumbles a burly orc, inclining his head in introduction. His muscles ripple beneath his tunic as he moves into the room and takes stock of the surroundings. The orc's face is heavily scarred on one side: a deep sword-shaped furrow, hilt up, runs the length of his right cheek, with smaller lines spreading outward from it. His voice is like the rumble of a distant landslide; quiet, but deep and powerful. "I, too, would join with you to practice."


    Mrachni spends increasingly more time in prayer and reflection as the group nears Belkzen. Now, as he looks down upon the mysterious fortress, he nods slowly as he considers this place. Finally he grunts, "May the Swordmistress guard us." I assume that's two different Diplomacy checks.

    Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28
    Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30
    Knowledge (History, untrained): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12

    If asked/invited, he'll share what he knows... feel free to assume that in the interests of my not holding up the game. :)

    Liberty's Edge

    Male Kitsune Dervish Dancer 11 | AC 25 T 17 FF 19 | HP 80/80 | F +6 R +14 W +9 | Init +7 | Perc +14 | Dance 31/31 | Reroll: Used

    Diplomacy T10: 10 + 15 = 25
    Diplomacy T10: 10 + 15 = 25
    Knowledge: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

    During some down time, Quinn kicks back and contemplates.

    "This Heralt we're after. I asked about and found some things out. He is one reason so many people look down on us Pathfinders, barging into the Hold of Belkzen, Druma, and the Lands of the Linnorm Kings.

    "He was last seen in Vigil, preparing to travel to the incredibly dangerous region of Belkzen called the Skittering Mounds to seek out a hidden Chelish fort called Skull Hill in hopes of claiming said tomb for the Society. His guise appears to be that of an adventure seeker from some minor house of Cheliax, which there certainly are plenty of. But this is where it gets interesting!

    "The last the Society has heard from Heralt, he had arrived at Skull Hill and found not only the crypt, but the very tomb of Akila, an Osiriani sorceress who perished in the Everwar! He mentioned that it would take him some time to gain access, but we have yet to hear back from him. So now it's up to us to find him and bring him home."

    Despite his enthusiasm to telling stories, he lets that thought linger. So he sits back once more and grins happily to himself. Perhaps one of the clergy would like to tell a story as well. Best not to take all the limelight.

    Silver Crusade

    Spells Cleric 17 (HP: 190/190), Init: +1, AC: 28 T: 15, FF: 28, Perception +12, F: +12, R: +6, W: +16, CMB: +9, CMD: 21, Concentration +19, Defensively +25
    Per Diem:
  • Channel: (5d6 DC 20) 2/8
  • Touch of Glory (+11 to CHA skills) 9/10
  • Divine Presence (30' Sanctuary DC 20) 11/11
  • Rebuke Death (1d4+5) 10/10 Extend Rod 2/3, 5* re-roll 1/1
  • "Well met my friends. Skybek, we have many mutual friends, and I've heard much about you. It's a pleasure to work with you and the rest of you. It seems whenever I'm at Skyreach for long, things happen. It'll be good to get back to the field. I'm intrigued at the thought of uncovering an Osirian sorcereress's final rest. I hear that Skull Hill still exists. The Chelish government has kept it secret for centuries and they use the hidden fort to keep tabs on the Belkzen orc tribes. Considering where we are, I'm assuming they're worried about either the dead still in the fort, or Chelish... proclivities leaving the fort held by beings from nether realms."

    Sareth looks to the sun for a bit, "I've recently learned some spells not known to any Pathfinders that could be a good fit for this mission. I only wish we knew what to expect when we arrive."

    Gather Information 1: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
    Gather Information 2: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
    Knowledge (History): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

    Silver Crusade

    Male Half Elf -Paladin 13 AC32/T11(18) /F31/CMD28| Hp 121/121 | Fort:+21;Ref:+16;Will+18(25) |Percept.+10 | Init.+3. { } ( +2 keen div bond 1/3 used, smite for 2/6 used. Hands 6d6 6/15 used) { eaglesoul 10hrs— } Spectral Wolf {AC24 100/100 hp}

    Omrax appears as a tall, fair haired knight of with obvious elven heritage. He removes his winged helm as he enters the room.

    Under his red cloak, he wears a new suit of polished fullplate along with a shield bearing the crest of Iomedae on his arm.
    His longsword is well kept and shows signs of recent battles.
    Strapped to his back is a longbow and greatsword.

    "Greetings and well met. I humbly apologize for my delay. Omrax, sworn servant of the Inheritor reporting for duty."

    Diplo : 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (16) + 16 = 32
    Diplo : 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (13) + 16 = 29

    Silver Crusade

    Spells Cleric 17 (HP: 190/190), Init: +1, AC: 28 T: 15, FF: 28, Perception +12, F: +12, R: +6, W: +16, CMB: +9, CMD: 21, Concentration +19, Defensively +25
    Per Diem:
  • Channel: (5d6 DC 20) 2/8
  • Touch of Glory (+11 to CHA skills) 9/10
  • Divine Presence (30' Sanctuary DC 20) 11/11
  • Rebuke Death (1d4+5) 10/10 Extend Rod 2/3, 5* re-roll 1/1
  • "Well met Omrax. Word of your deeds has spread. Some of my close friends have traveled with you. I count myself as lucky to now be among them."

    Silver Crusade

    Male Half Elf -Paladin 13 AC32/T11(18) /F31/CMD28| Hp 121/121 | Fort:+21;Ref:+16;Will+18(25) |Percept.+10 | Init.+3. { } ( +2 keen div bond 1/3 used, smite for 2/6 used. Hands 6d6 6/15 used) { eaglesoul 10hrs— } Spectral Wolf {AC24 100/100 hp}

    Omrax bows deeply to Sareth.

    "It is I who has the honor to travel with you.
    I have many friends and allies in the ranks of your priesthood. ."

    Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 5

    In the distance at the base of the ridge, Skull Hill’s double gate lies open at the only break in the moat and palisade ring. One door stands half broken off its hinges. A small watchtower sits above the gate, forming a short ten foot tunnel as one enters the bailey--scorch marks mar the gate and the tower. The drawbridge is down and appears to be in good condition.

    Silver Crusade

    Spells Cleric 17 (HP: 190/190), Init: +1, AC: 28 T: 15, FF: 28, Perception +12, F: +12, R: +6, W: +16, CMB: +9, CMD: 21, Concentration +19, Defensively +25
    Per Diem:
  • Channel: (5d6 DC 20) 2/8
  • Touch of Glory (+11 to CHA skills) 9/10
  • Divine Presence (30' Sanctuary DC 20) 11/11
  • Rebuke Death (1d4+5) 10/10 Extend Rod 2/3, 5* re-roll 1/1
  • Are there any watchers on the watch tower? perception : 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21

    "come. Let us begin our work. "

    -Posted with Wayfinder

    Liberty's Edge

    Dwarf Cleric 14

    "Greetings mae friends! Ahh'm here tae mak sure that yae dannae get tae thirsty. Aye, and Ahh'll swing mae axe if yae find that useful tae."

    Diplomacy: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 21
    Diplomacy: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (12) + 14 = 26
    Knowledge, History: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

    Sareth wrote:
    "Well met my friends. Skybek, we have many mutual friends, and I've heard much about you. It's a pleasure to work with you and the rest of you. It seems whenever I'm at Skyreach for long, things happen. It'll be good to get back to the field.

    "Aye, Sareth, Ahh'm pleased tae meetchae. Dannae believe tae much o' what yae heard, it cannae all be true, unless it has tae dae with savin a temple of Cayden Cailean frae nasty wee beasties! Skybek takes a moment longer to look at his companion's beard and finally the dwarf cannot hold his tongue. "Ahh dannae want tae stir up ana bad memories and a', but dae yae care tellin me what happened tae yer beard? It looks awfully wee."

    Omrax the Bold wrote:
    "Greetings and well met. I humbly apologize for my delay. Omrax, sworn servant of the Inheritor reporting for duty."

    "Aye, Skybek's the name. Can Ahh offer yae a wee nip o' mae oon brew before we enter intae the wee castle?"

    Quinn wrote:
    "I am Quinn Kouniashi, proprieter of the Taldan dance house, the Troubadour's Square in Oppara. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Say, if you should like a sparring partner, I would be most glad of some practice myself."

    "Aye, a dancin, talkin, fox! Ahh've never met one the likes a' yae! Ahh'm nae much o' a dancer maeself, but Ahh'm happy tae share a drink wid yae if yer ever sae inclined. Skybek's the name." The congenial dwarf offers a firm grip of his hand.

    Mrachni wrote:
    "May the Swordmistress guard us."

    "Aye, Ahh'm glad tae hae an extra guard, especially aroond these parts, but who is this mistress with a blade that yer referrin tae? Ahh'm Skybek Odeon at yer service." The dwarf offers the orc a firm gripping handshake as well.

    Sareth wrote:
    ""Come. Let us begin our work."

    "Aye, what dae yae hae in mind, mae friend? Ahh could use some convincin that strolling through the front gate is a gud course o' action."

    Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 5

    Sareth sees no watchman in the tower. He sees no living creature of any kind, in fact.

    Silver Crusade

    M Half-orc Warpriest 10 [ HP 56/83 (0 NL) | AC 30 Tch 11 FF 29 | Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +11 | CMD 21 | Init +0 | Perc +9, darkvision, scent | Effects: haste, inspire +2, sacred weapon 1/10 ]

    Meetin' Time

    Mrachni moves his dark eyes to Omrax as the other enters, inclining his head as he did when greeting the others. "Brother," he rumbles, extending his sword-arm for clasping.

    Turning from the greeting at Skybek's question, he speaks softly. "The Swordmistress is she whose path is that of honor, valor, and justice..." He pauses for a moment, his expression one of reflection, and continues, "... yet who does not hesitate to show mercy when she wills."

    Silver Crusade

    Spells Cleric 17 (HP: 190/190), Init: +1, AC: 28 T: 15, FF: 28, Perception +12, F: +12, R: +6, W: +16, CMB: +9, CMD: 21, Concentration +19, Defensively +25
    Per Diem:
  • Channel: (5d6 DC 20) 2/8
  • Touch of Glory (+11 to CHA skills) 9/10
  • Divine Presence (30' Sanctuary DC 20) 11/11
  • Rebuke Death (1d4+5) 10/10 Extend Rod 2/3, 5* re-roll 1/1
  • "I think we'll get along quite well friend Mrachni. Now, let us explore. I've got a bad feeling about this."

    Silver Crusade

    Male Half Elf -Paladin 13 AC32/T11(18) /F31/CMD28| Hp 121/121 | Fort:+21;Ref:+16;Will+18(25) |Percept.+10 | Init.+3. { } ( +2 keen div bond 1/3 used, smite for 2/6 used. Hands 6d6 6/15 used) { eaglesoul 10hrs— } Spectral Wolf {AC24 100/100 hp}

    Omrax clasps swordarms with the half Orc.

    With a bow of respect.

    "Greetings and well said of our Lady, Sir Mrachni. Few of our brethren attempt to balance the call of honor and duty to the Inheritor with the goals of the Society."

    Liberty's Edge

    Dwarf Cleric 14

    "Ahh dannae see ana beastie big or wee. Dae yae think we should just mak oor way o'er and see if we can find oor way in?"

    Silver Crusade

    Male Half Elf -Paladin 13 AC32/T11(18) /F31/CMD28| Hp 121/121 | Fort:+21;Ref:+16;Will+18(25) |Percept.+10 | Init.+3. { } ( +2 keen div bond 1/3 used, smite for 2/6 used. Hands 6d6 6/15 used) { eaglesoul 10hrs— } Spectral Wolf {AC24 100/100 hp}

    "Alas Sir Skybek, the direct approach shall reveal the intentions of any inhabitants. ."

    Omrax will gaze upon the gate and make ready to approach.

    Not sure if we have any stealth specialist in the party, but if so, feel free to do your thing before we knock on/down the front door .

    Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 5

    The gates of the outer palisade are shattered and broken. A wide, deep moat surrounds the whole outer wall, fed by the Skittering River on the other side of the fort, and broken only by the bridge to the smashed gate. A ladder leans against the palisade to the southeast on the other side of the moat.

    Liberty's Edge

    Male Kitsune Dervish Dancer 11 | AC 25 T 17 FF 19 | HP 80/80 | F +6 R +14 W +9 | Init +7 | Perc +14 | Dance 31/31 | Reroll: Used

    Moderate stealth, but...

    Quinn contemplates the potentiality of swimming across the moat and shudders. "So, my friends, it seems if we are to get there without going over the bridge, that leaves the moat. And... I don't have that great of a history when it comes to water. Beyond it making my fur start smelling. I can try to scout ahead if you wish, sneak through the buildings for any other inhabitants?"

    Silver Crusade

    Male Half Elf -Paladin 13 AC32/T11(18) /F31/CMD28| Hp 121/121 | Fort:+21;Ref:+16;Will+18(25) |Percept.+10 | Init.+3. { } ( +2 keen div bond 1/3 used, smite for 2/6 used. Hands 6d6 6/15 used) { eaglesoul 10hrs— } Spectral Wolf {AC24 100/100 hp}

    "We could try to hook the ladder if it is long enough to cross the moat."

    Liberty's Edge

    Male Kitsune Dervish Dancer 11 | AC 25 T 17 FF 19 | HP 80/80 | F +6 R +14 W +9 | Init +7 | Perc +14 | Dance 31/31 | Reroll: Used

    "Hmmm, there is that..." About how wide is the moat, judging from our vantage point?

    Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 5

    The muddy moat is close on ten feet wide at most points, but the bank on the other side is almost sheer and topped by the wooden wall. The crude ladder leans upon a foot of solid ground below. The murky water makes it difficult to see how deep the moat really is.

    Just make an executive decision, folks.

    Liberty's Edge

    Male Kitsune Dervish Dancer 11 | AC 25 T 17 FF 19 | HP 80/80 | F +6 R +14 W +9 | Init +7 | Perc +14 | Dance 31/31 | Reroll: Used

    Hmmm, so no jumping across... Quinn's mouth is creased as he considers the options.

    "We could easily cross the moat by the bridge then skirt along the wall to the ladder. I'm not too wild on swimming, but will be willing to risk it if you all feel the need to get wet."

    Liberty's Edge

    Male Kitsune Dervish Dancer 11 | AC 25 T 17 FF 19 | HP 80/80 | F +6 R +14 W +9 | Init +7 | Perc +14 | Dance 31/31 | Reroll: Used

    Quinn moves over to the area by the ladder and recalculates for a jump, if there's enough room to land, or how high he needs to go. "On second thought, that idea of grabbing the ladder to cross might not be a bad idea."

    If it's up to a 10 foot rise on the other side, Quinn will simply jump over and up to the ledge (take 10 for a 41, high jump DC 40 for 10 ft jump.)

    Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 5

    CMB vs. DC 15: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
    Swim vs. DC 10: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16

    Quinn easily makes it across the moat and scrabbles frantically at the palisade on the other side. The wet wood proves slippery, however, and the poor kitsune splashes into the muddy flows below. Scrambling up the bank, the dancer lithely jumps up the rickety ladder to find himself dripping atop the pointy peaks of the timber wall.

    Liberty's Edge

    Male Kitsune Dervish Dancer 11 | AC 25 T 17 FF 19 | HP 80/80 | F +6 R +14 W +9 | Init +7 | Perc +14 | Dance 31/31 | Reroll: Used

    Quinn silently curses the existence of bodies of water whether moat or river or sea and tries to pull the ladder away from the wall to set it across the moat to act as a bridge.

    Liberty's Edge

    Dwarf Cleric 14

    "If the wee fox cannae mak it up the other side o' the moat, then yae can trust me that Ahh will nae mak it! Ahh think Ahh'll be needin tae just stroll on doon and walk across the draw bridge. Will any o' yae join me?"

    Liberty's Edge

    Male Kitsune Dervish Dancer 11 | AC 25 T 17 FF 19 | HP 80/80 | F +6 R +14 W +9 | Init +7 | Perc +14 | Dance 31/31 | Reroll: Used

    Quinn hushedly calls across the moat, "Hence using the ladder as the bridge. I hope it's long enough..."

    Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 5

    Quinn gives the primitive ladder a push. With a splash, it forms a narrow, wet, slippery, rough-hewn 'bridge' across the moat. The daunting palisade may pose an issue for the wee dwarf yet.

    Liberty's Edge

    Male Kitsune Dervish Dancer 11 | AC 25 T 17 FF 19 | HP 80/80 | F +6 R +14 W +9 | Init +7 | Perc +14 | Dance 31/31 | Reroll: Used

    Quinn holds it steady for the others to cross.

    Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 5

    Quinn climbs down from the wall and, forgetting that there's really no bank to stand on, descends directly into the water again. Now quite thoroughly wet, the disgruntled kitsune holds on to the ladder as much for a flotation device as to steady it.

    Liberty's Edge

    Male Kitsune Dervish Dancer 11 | AC 25 T 17 FF 19 | HP 80/80 | F +6 R +14 W +9 | Init +7 | Perc +14 | Dance 31/31 | Reroll: Used

    Thought there was about a foot of bank to stand on?

    GMTrex wrote:
    The crude ladder leans upon a foot of solid ground below.

    Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 5

    A medium creature occupies a five-foot space. I meant that there is something the ladder is standing on rather than air, but not much. Ultimately, it's all the same except Quinn is wet again. You are steadying the ladder. :)

    Silver Crusade

    Male Half Elf -Paladin 13 AC32/T11(18) /F31/CMD28| Hp 121/121 | Fort:+21;Ref:+16;Will+18(25) |Percept.+10 | Init.+3. { } ( +2 keen div bond 1/3 used, smite for 2/6 used. Hands 6d6 6/15 used) { eaglesoul 10hrs— } Spectral Wolf {AC24 100/100 hp}

    Omrax is not fond of swiming or climbing and decides to dig out a potio of flying and drinks it.

    We shall spend too much time on this moat. I recommend an alternate approach

    Liberty's Edge

    Male Kitsune Dervish Dancer 11 | AC 25 T 17 FF 19 | HP 80/80 | F +6 R +14 W +9 | Init +7 | Perc +14 | Dance 31/31 | Reroll: Used

    Quinn watches Omrax fly over the water with envy. "I keep meaning to learn that spell."
    Jokes on me since it's a wizard/sorc spell =\

    Silver Crusade

    Spells Cleric 17 (HP: 190/190), Init: +1, AC: 28 T: 15, FF: 28, Perception +12, F: +12, R: +6, W: +16, CMB: +9, CMD: 21, Concentration +19, Defensively +25
    Per Diem:
  • Channel: (5d6 DC 20) 2/8
  • Touch of Glory (+11 to CHA skills) 9/10
  • Divine Presence (30' Sanctuary DC 20) 11/11
  • Rebuke Death (1d4+5) 10/10 Extend Rod 2/3, 5* re-roll 1/1
  • [ooc]still on holiday stuff. Will be back for real tomorrow. If crossing the ladder bridge is acrobatics, I'll take 10 with Guidance for 13.

    -Posted with Wayfinder

    Silver Crusade

    Male Half Elf -Paladin 13 AC32/T11(18) /F31/CMD28| Hp 121/121 | Fort:+21;Ref:+16;Will+18(25) |Percept.+10 | Init.+3. { } ( +2 keen div bond 1/3 used, smite for 2/6 used. Hands 6d6 6/15 used) { eaglesoul 10hrs— } Spectral Wolf {AC24 100/100 hp}

    Unless someone stops him, or he sees a foe, Omrax will fly over and look to open the gate and/or lower the moat bridge.

    "I shall not be long. I will let thou knoweth if I spot any movement within ."

    Silver Crusade

    Spells Cleric 17 (HP: 190/190), Init: +1, AC: 28 T: 15, FF: 28, Perception +12, F: +12, R: +6, W: +16, CMB: +9, CMD: 21, Concentration +19, Defensively +25
    Per Diem:
  • Channel: (5d6 DC 20) 2/8
  • Touch of Glory (+11 to CHA skills) 9/10
  • Divine Presence (30' Sanctuary DC 20) 11/11
  • Rebuke Death (1d4+5) 10/10 Extend Rod 2/3, 5* re-roll 1/1
  • "May the sunlight of Sarenrae shine upon the Inheritor's blade. Hurry back Omrax."

    Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 5
    GMTrex wrote:
    In the distance at the base of the ridge, Skull Hill’s double gate lies open at the only break in the moat and palisade ring. One door stands half broken off its hinges. A small watchtower sits above the gate, forming a short ten foot tunnel as one enters the bailey--scorch marks mar the gate and the tower. The drawbridge is down and appears to be in good condition.

    The gate is already open and the drawbridge is already down, leaving an easy path into the fort that involves no swimming or climbing whatsoever.

    Omrax downs a potion and flies into the bailey. Sareth gingerly steps onto the makeshift bridge held by Quinn, and promptly slips right into the water.

    Swim vs 10: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (17) - 2 = 15

    He too grasps with wooden ladder to keep afloat.

    Silver Crusade

    Spells Cleric 17 (HP: 190/190), Init: +1, AC: 28 T: 15, FF: 28, Perception +12, F: +12, R: +6, W: +16, CMB: +9, CMD: 21, Concentration +19, Defensively +25
    Per Diem:
  • Channel: (5d6 DC 20) 2/8
  • Touch of Glory (+11 to CHA skills) 9/10
  • Divine Presence (30' Sanctuary DC 20) 11/11
  • Rebuke Death (1d4+5) 10/10 Extend Rod 2/3, 5* re-roll 1/1
  • Bloody hell. So much for surprise. I climb out.

    -Posted with Wayfinder

    Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 5



    DC was/is 17.

    Silver Crusade

    Male Half Elf -Paladin 13 AC32/T11(18) /F31/CMD28| Hp 121/121 | Fort:+21;Ref:+16;Will+18(25) |Percept.+10 | Init.+3. { } ( +2 keen div bond 1/3 used, smite for 2/6 used. Hands 6d6 6/15 used) { eaglesoul 10hrs— } Spectral Wolf {AC24 100/100 hp}

    Omrax will circle around the baily. If others need to be ferried across the moat due to the slippery bridge etc, he will head there next.

    "No sigh of anything here. I heard a loud splash. Doth anyone need assistance? ."

    Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 5

    The whole bailey? By yourself?

    Silver Crusade

    Male Half Elf -Paladin 13 AC32/T11(18) /F31/CMD28| Hp 121/121 | Fort:+21;Ref:+16;Will+18(25) |Percept.+10 | Init.+3. { } ( +2 keen div bond 1/3 used, smite for 2/6 used. Hands 6d6 6/15 used) { eaglesoul 10hrs— } Spectral Wolf {AC24 100/100 hp}

    Sorry - map not loading on my phone while traveling . Omrax mainly was circling just above and inside the gate/house. No more than 20' from gate. Sounds like the place is much bigger

    Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 5

    No worries, lol. Yes, MUCH bigger.

    Omrax circles the immediate area near the gate. From above, he can see a variety of outbuildings nestled around a sizable cornfield, stalks rustling in the light breeze. Atop the motte is a tall timber tower from which a thin wisp of smoke flutters skyward, and a trio of craters mar the surface of the fort. Whatever created the last crater seems to have struck the tower itself and partially collapsed the southeast corner.

    Liberty's Edge

    Male Kitsune Dervish Dancer 11 | AC 25 T 17 FF 19 | HP 80/80 | F +6 R +14 W +9 | Init +7 | Perc +14 | Dance 31/31 | Reroll: Used
    GMTrex wrote:
    GMTrex wrote:
    In the distance at the base of the ridge, Skull Hill’s double gate lies open at the only break in the moat and palisade ring. One door stands half broken off its hinges. A small watchtower sits above the gate, forming a short ten foot tunnel as one enters the bailey--scorch marks mar the gate and the tower. The drawbridge is down and appears to be in good condition.
    The gate is already open and the drawbridge is already down, leaving an easy path into the fort that involves no swimming or climbing whatsoever.

    Too obvious! Clearly a trap!

    Liberty's Edge

    Dwarf Cleric 14

    "Well, mae Orc friend, it appears tae be just the twa of us. Ahh cannae swim and the drawbridge looks richt sturdy tae me, Ahh think Ahh'm goin tae join oor friend Omrax. Ahh believe he's waitin just inside."

    "Dae yae wish tae join me?"

    Skybek walks down to the drawbridge and takes a closer.

    Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13

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