Where in the Arcadian Ocean is Ancorato?

Ruins of Azlant

I get that it's about 300 miles south of the Sun Temple Colony (book 1, page 6). The only reference to the failed Sun Temple Colony is on pp. 42 and 203 and of the ISWG-- neither of which give helpful instructions beyond being west of the gate of Aroden and in the Arcadian Ocean.

Does anyone have anything more specific?

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

In book 2 in the Gazeteer, they refer to the island being 30 degrees north latitude. Humid subtropical climate.


The gazeteer in book two also says it is 1000 miles due west of Mediogalti Isle.

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

In this fan made picture, 30 degrees north would be the line Tropic of the Sphinx which runs through the Eye of Abendego. So, west along that line would be roughly where Ruins of Azlant takes place.

I think I have a good idea, and I shared it with my players. I didn't see that description in the second module. That helps a lot, Magical_Beast. Thanks.

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