Need help deciding a Connection for a Dwarf Mystic! *1-09 spoilers*

Starfinder Society

With a newfound boon at my disposal, I now am planning on making my 702 character a Dwarf Mystic! ...One problem though. I'm having trouble deciding on which connection to go go for, as I want it to tie in directly into her backstory.

Amare is a young Dwarven girl from the

Marbleheart clan
. She led a relatively normal life until the Starfinder Society came along. It was then that she encountered a dashing young adventurer named Felix (my current character) and instantly got a crush on him. He and his companions were in and out of her settlement in less than two shakes of a dogslicer, but that hardly mattered to her. It was love at first sight. She decides to join the Society herself as means of trying to not only see, but to fight alongside the object of her affection, wielding magic to compliment his skills in melee combat.

...And therein lies the dilemma. I do know she'll be wielding a doshko (Felix was wielding one when she first saw him, and Dwarves get Advanced Melee Weapons for free) and wearing Heavy Armor (HA Proficiency feat at 1st level), but that's about it. I'm flexible with how to play her as, both mechanically and personality-wise, but they're so many good options, I dunno what to go with!

First off, Overlord. This was the first one that came to mind for the sheer comedic value of Felix having a literal psycho stalker. However, other than that, I don't see much going for it.

Next up, Healer! A supportive skillset seems to make a good fit given her motives, and Lifelink synergizes well with Dwarves, since they have HP to spare, no matter what class they are! And AoE healing also seems pretty useful if a fight goes bad! My issue here though is that it seems a bit too... stereotypical.

Next option that came to mind was Mindbreaker. Ironically less psycho than Overload, the idea was that she was a powerful psychic who actually doesn't realize the extent of her powers, and seems to cast spells and class features by accident in times of strong emotion. Mechanically, the features it gets sound like an absolute BLAST, but I have hard time tying it in to the back story.

Empath is a great thematic option, but the actual functionality of it doesn't really appeal to me.

And finally Xenodruid is also a great thematic option given her homeland, and isn't half-bad mechanically either!. Kinda a slow starter at first level, but the class features that come after look awesome!

TL;DR Version Secluded dwarf girl falls in love with a Starfinder. What kind of magic suits her best?

Thanks in advance for all your help!

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