Taking 10 / 20 on ability checks?

Rules Questions

In Pathfinder, the taking 10/20 rules had language that allowed for taking 10/20 on ability checks, but I can't find an equivalent clause in Starfinder. Am I missing it or has it not carried over?

There is no equivalent clause but as the GM in my own game, I'd allow it if it ever comes up, since ability checks are usually just "minor skill checks" for actions that can't be easily fudged into the domain of an existing skill, and since an untrained skill check is also just an ability check. With the same stipulations of course - not while in the pressure of an encounter or where failure has real consequences.

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Fuzzypaws wrote:
With the same stipulations of course - not while in the pressure of an encounter or where failure has real consequences.

And, of course, the latter of these only being for taking 20. If failure has real consequences, you can still take 10. That's the point of taking 10.

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