Reserved Society Numbers

Pathfinder Society

Liberty's Edge 3/5

I have some new players that received reserved society numbers from a convention and asked me how to activate their numbers. When you go to create an new account, it looks likes it going to create a new number instead of activating an existing number. What are the steps they need to take to keep using the reserved numbers?

Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Manager

They need to create an account here with their email. Then they go to to register for Organized Play. There is a place to enter existing number information (with the confirmation code that is on their card) or to generate a new number.

If this isn't how it comes up, post back here and I'll ask tech to take a look.


Liberty's Edge 3/5

Thanks Tonya, it worked. I was confused thinking that creating an account would automatically generate a society number.

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