Tiefling Fiendish Vessel edit

Homebrew and House Rules

Dark Archive

So, I liked the fiendish vessel concept, but wanted to open it to non evil flavor as well. And have it not race-locked.

Just a cleric of whatever type who has a strong connection to his deity through a gifted familiar.

Link to my Google doc:
Deific Vessel

That's what I have so far
(I'd have just copied it here but couldn't figure out how to get the tables to cooperate)

It's mostly quick edits, changing "Fiendish" to "Deific"

The main mechanical edits are to Channel Evil, and Fiendish Familiar.

I wondered though, if just based on the nature of the concept, if the familiar should function like a witch's rather than a wizard's. And perhaps have spells work similarly with it, having the familiar be the liaison to preparing spells?

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