Taxes on 3pp pdfs from their sites?

Product Discussion

Don't know where should I post this but since it's a 3pp problem, here it goes: so when I try to buy a pdf from Kobold Press or AAW Games, it charges me some tax that I can't get around. I don't get this from Paizo, DriveThru, d20pfsrd shop or Frog Gods site, but these two charge me 25% extra (probably VAT), so I have no incentive to buy from there.

Can anyone explain why it is charged on some sites and not on others? Also any way to get around it?

EDIT: forgot to say, I'm from Croatia (and we're in EU if that makes any difference).

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I think you'd have better luck asking on Kobold Press or AAW's sites, since those are the ones charging.

Liberty's Edge

Are you buying these PDFs here on or directly from the individual company's web site?

Marc Radle wrote:
Are you buying these PDFs here on or directly from the individual company's web site?

Taxes are on Kobold Press and AAW websites...those same pdfs on Paizo or OBS don't charge it.

Edited for clarity.

The Exchange Kobold Press

Huh. I'm not sure I can offer any further answer without consulting a tax attorney. The laws on taxation of internet sales are complicated, to say the least.

But thank you for mentioning it. Might be an update at Kobold Press shortly.

Wolfgang Baur wrote:

Huh. I'm not sure I can offer any further answer without consulting a tax attorney. The laws on taxation of internet sales are complicated, to say the least.

But thank you for mentioning it. Might be an update at Kobold Press shortly.

Thank you for responding. I'm more confused why some sites have it and some don't (I understand in the case of OBS as it's an international-intercontinental seller, but Frogs are, I believe, similar in size and scope as Kobolds).

I'm in no hurry but thought you should be aware 'cause you're making less sales on your site (which is most profitable for you, I believe, and I can't be only one that's affected).

The Exchange Kobold Press

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There are differences in interpretation of tax codes and compliance among vendors. It's not easy to know what to do without hiring some high-powered attorneys, most of which are beyond kobold means.

Also, this is now fixed on the Kobold Press site.

Be aware that, if you're in the United States and are living in a state that has sales tax, that state probably also has a use tax, where for any out-of-state purchase you need to pay the difference between whatever state sales tax you paid on it (none, in your examples) and whatever state sales tax the state you live in might have.

It's likely meant for large-ticket purchases like vehicles, but the law is there. Or, it is in the at-least-four states I've lived in that have sales tax.

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