[Spoilers} book 3 starting question (starship upgrades)

Dead Suns

I was hoping there would be something at the start of book 3 about upgrading the tier of their ship to match the party level, but there really isn't anything. And from the pacing and urgency presented in the mod

"The PCs can stop off at Absalom Station along the way to
purchase supplies or upgrade their gear, provided they don’t
linger on the station too long."

is the 1d4 days needed to refit/upgrade a ship (according to RAW) within that time span? or are they stuck with the Maiden as is currently?

Given the first encounter in Book 3, I'm assuming that upgrading the ship is something they're supposed to be able to do, but then, it also seems like they aren't given any time or in-game justification for the how. I was hoping for a "you find a bunch of ship parts you can use to upgrade your ship" type thing as a reward or whatever instead of just handwaving it.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I wish I had access to book 3 since we have a session tomorrow and my downloads don't show it :P

Anyway, since we had a few weeks waiting time I ran a one session long side adventure on Castrovel that gave them free ship upgrades as a reward, thus handling that. Since book 2 had no timeline they need to get to Diaspora I decided they are not in that big of a hurry.

I don't think that there is anything preventing the group from upgrading the starship with the levels of build points they accumulated on Castrovel. The 1d4 days roll applies only to altering the starship in between levels. Being safely docked on an inhabited world, there should be no further complications.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

You can also play it so that the characters ordered the upgrades before leaving to the wilderness trek, so there are a few weeks to make the upgrades to the ship. It is sitting in the spacedock in Qabarat after all.

Since ships don't have a price (to buy OR sell), BP is gained as you level, and there's an opportunity to potentially disable and capture some of the ships that get thrown at them, I'm thinking of setting it up so that nearby salvage vessels will accept the 200 credit fee as offered in the "in case they lose fight/get disabled" thing and take the ship off their hands, and they're 'compensated' for the salvage in a way that works as repairing the ship, and funds that 'buy' ship upgrades/customizations (within reason) to the Sunrise Maiden, with the BP thing being the limiter/base for it.

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