Orders #4604349, 4601418, sidecart

Customer Service

Liberty's Edge

Probably too late to fix: I set up order 4604349 the day after my December subscription order (4601418) was spawned. I expected this order to ship from the sidecart with that subscription order; it did not. Am I confused about how sidecart orders interact with subscriptions, or did something go wrong here?

Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

Hello andi598d,

Thanks for your question! When we generate subscription orders, our system will look into the sidecart to see what is available to add to the order. After that subscription order is generated, anything that is added to the sidecart will stay there until the next subscription order, or until it is moved manually. Since you added the item from order #4604349 the day after your subscription order was spawned, it would have waited until the next month.

It looks like that mini is now in the order by itself, rather than in the sidecart. If you'd like to leave it as-is, it'll just ship out as soon as our warehouse reaches it in the shipping queue. Otherwise, I can move it back to the sidecart to be shipped with your next subscription shipment. Just let me know what you'd prefer. Please don't hesitate to ask if there are any further questions or concerns that you may have in the meantime.


Liberty's Edge

Leave it to ship by itself. Will know the next time. Thank you.

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