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Hi, Starfinder/Pathfinder/Paizo people!
We have been running the Dead Suns Adventure Path for Starfinder. We have special guests Thurston Hillman and Erik Mona to date with more to come in the near future!
Our players are pros with over 175+ years of combined role-playing experience and our group has been playing together for more than a dozen years. We know how to get the best ... and worst ... from one another.
Plus we are running a $1000 launch giveaway that end on December 5, 2017. Grand Prizes will be announced on December 5, 2017. The more people who enter the more prizes that will be awarded! Everyone who enters will win a prize with a chance to win Amazon gift cards and custom t-shirts.
In addition, we have a detailed breakdown of each show with our Talking Combat segment, images from each show on our Discord page, and an extremely responsive crew. You can download our shows through iTunes, Android, or listen via the website itself.
Episode 1: Greetings And Salutations -- With Thurston Hillman
Episode 2: Clowns to the Left of Me, Jokers to the Right
Episode 3: Cops, Cut-Throats, and Career Opportunities
Episode 4: CSI: Absalom Station
Episode 5: And A Side Order of Rat
Episode 6: In Da Club
Episode 7: Downsized Kings
Episode 8: Payin’ The Cost To Beat The Boss
Episode 9: Dead Man’s Party -- Part one of our interview with Erik Mona. Plus we do a full recap to date so that new listeners can start with this episode!
Episode 10: Quid Pro Cronut -- Part two of our interview with Erik Mona.
If you want to follow us you can check out our custom Starfinder artwork on our website, our Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, YouTube, Discord or the old-fashioned way at contact@rollforcombat.com.
We're an extremely responsive crew, hit us up with any questions/comments you have ... or just talk about Starfinder/Pathfinder! We love talking games. Thanks!