Another PFS retraining question

Pathfinder Society


This time, I'm thinking about retraining my 10th level tattooed elemental (air) bloodline sorcerer. The first part, dropping the tattooed archetype, seems fairly straightforward. The archetype has five class features and the rules say...

"To abandon an archetype, you must spend 5 days for every alternate class feature you already have from that archetype. At the end of the retraining, you lose the archetype's class features and gain the standard class features for the class."

So that would be 25 days/prestige.

Now here's the tricky bit. I'd like to add/change the following features:

1) Bloodline familiar in place of her 1st-level bloodline power.

2) Bloodline mutation Intensity in place of her 7th-level bloodline feat.

3) Bloodline mutation Piercing in place of her 9th-level bloodline power.

Which of the following is correct (or is there a third answer which I've missed):

1) Doing the above is essentially gaining a new archetype, and I follow these rules ...

"To gain an archetype that replaces standard class abilities you already have, you must spend 5 days for every alternate class feature you would add, subtract, or replace by taking that archetype. At the end of the training period, you lose the standard class features and replace them with the archetype's alternate class features (if any)."

... and spend 15 days/prestige to add these three "alternate class features."

2) What I'm proposing is not allowed because it involves retraining things that didn't exist when the Ultimate Campaign retraining rules were written, and I need to wait on the promised FAQ to see if what I'd like to do will be possible. This is the problem I faced when I asked about retraining one of my bloodrager's class features.


There is actually a third, probably hopelessly optimistic, alternative that occurred to me as I was walking our dog.

3) The bloodline familiar and two bloodline mutations aren't really archetype features in a formal sense, they're just alternative choices/variations on the standard class and thus there is no additional cost in days/prestige to include these once the 25 days/prestige has been spent to drop the tattooed archetype.

Silver Crusade 1/5

Well. you're definitely not adding a new archetype.

When you remove the archetype you've got via retraining, your character reverts to default Sorcerer. You then have to make legal choices for that character. I think that would include being able to trade out your bloodline feats and powers for legal character options, as long as you are not actually adopting a new archetype. Bloodline mutations and bloodline familiars are not archetypes.

I think your option 3 is actually correct. Just my 2cp.


Any other thoughts on my question? Not that I'm unhappy with supervillian's contribution.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Just checked that tattooed sorcerer replaces the sorcerer's 1st-level bloodline power, 7th-level bloodline feat and 9th-level bloodline power. That being the case, I agree on all points with supervillan.

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