Wiggz |

I'm writing a narrative through the campaign based around the experiences of four PC's. These characters are a Human Unchained Barbarian (built in tankish fashion) and three sisters, all Witches and all whom claim him as their husband. What I'm trying to decide is what the best route to go with the witches would be.
I would like the respective builds to reflect the benefits of characters who pre-plan their feat and ability selections to be as complimentary as possible, and at the same time to represent differing personalities. This is what I'm currently considering, but I'm very open to any thoughts or suggestions:
I'm considering several different origin and backstory concepts for Ohlmin at the moment - suffice to say that he considers the sisters his family and loves each of them very much. He has learned when to keep out of their squabbles and when to step in, when to lead and when to follow and tends to view himself as their collective protector, provider and champion.
The oldest of the three sisters, Ygritte tends to be the most practical and pragmatic of the three. She tends to view most situations with a degree of dispassionate logic, and her sense of humor is more sardonic and cynical than merry. She loves Ohlmin and her sisters both with a fierce protectiveness, however, and can be quick to ire when any of them are threatened or wronged. Ygritte views herself as the leader of both the coven and the group, with Ohlmin her indispensable right hand, and takes personal responsibility for each of their welfare.
Vivacious and daring, Corvina is the middle sister and revels in merriment and a degree of mischief. She rarely takes the long view or gives much thought to the consequences of her actions - instead she tends to act impulsively, relying on luck, her quick wit and her powers of persuasion to see herself through most situations. She makes almost compulsive use of her Charm Hex in most social situations and was the first of the sisters to seduce Ohlmin. Her incorrigible nature usually makes her the most popular and the most frustrating of the three, a duality she is well aware of and seems to take fiendish pride in.
Llira is the youngest and gentlest of spirit of the three sisters. This is not to suggest passivity nor timidity on her part, but rather a calmer and wiser perspective than might be expected of one her age. She only angers at needless cruelty and is quick to offer healing and comfort to those who may be in need. Despite collected nature, she is regarded as the most naïve of the three and the least likely to be able to look out for herself. This tends to inspire an overprotectiveness in the others, something that traditionally annoys her when it comes to her sisters, but secretly delights her when it comes to Ohlmin.
Ygritte would generally focus on Necromancy magic while Corvina would obviously focus on Enchantment and Llyra may go more of a Conjuration route.
What I'm hoping for are some suggestions regarding feat and Hex selection that would work well together both mechanically and flavor-wise, as well as advice regarding any potential pitfalls that may arise when running a group with this unique composition. Thanks in advance!

roloz |

Sorry, been a busy week.
Your party sounds cool, although if they're 17th level they're probably just about finished. Or I'm misunderstanding exactly what you're looking for.
Llira will probably want to take (Greater) Spell Specialization to cast Cure spells spontaneously like a Cleric by dropping a memorized spell slot. The alternative is to memorize Cure*Wounds every morning, and that's just super boring. The Healing hexes are natural fits for her, but they're also not great - you can only use it once per target per day.
If your party is just starting out, I'd just let the characters develop naturally. Stuff which looks great when you're first level planning out what you'll take half a year down the road sometimes doesn't look so hot after playing. And characters really do change and develop their own personalities, if that makes sense.
The Fly hex will solve (and cause) a lot of problems. Poor Ohlmin will have to find a way to keep up.
That said, if there's an AP where Three Witches will fit right in, this is it. There's going to be some pretty impressive catfights over Witch Loot though ...
There's a Witch in my party who loves using Evil Eye to reduce saves. Now she's starting to blast stuff with Frost Tomb, which is going to lead to some totally boring fights in future sessions. Multiple Witches will get this done even faster. Evil Eye to reduce saves (cackle), then Frost Tomb ... or Slumber ...