Side Adventure: Garaggakal rampage across Absalom Station?

Dead Suns

I chickened out of a TPK at the end of Dead Suns #1.

The players were able to get on the Sunrise Maiden relatively unharmed, so I figured the Garaggakal would just want to get out of there so the Garaggakal hitched a lift off the Drift Rock, like the Queen Alien at the end of Aliens. The players didn't run any checks coming back so I have assumed the Garaggakal got back to the Armada, and then over to Absalom Station without being detected.

The armada and the station are full of interesting/fascinating/tasty new species I figure the Garaggakal will mount a full and intensive investigation/dissection of the inhabitants in order to find out as much as it can. I also figure that this would be a good time to fully introduce Absalom Station so the victims and death locations need to be spread across the station. Locations on the armada are also good.

I call upon the collected wisdom of the Starfinder board to help me create interesting victims, hideous death scenes, curious locations, and involving scenes with witnesses/relatives/law enforcement officers/journalists, etc.

Thanks in advance.

I forget her name and the name of her actual position, but involving the president of the station could be fun,for better or worse on their part (could get into her good graces or get on a watch list, depending on how things go

since the mod says that it tried to hitch a ride if it flees, I did the same.
however, it got killed when a missile hit the arc it was hiding on on the outside of the ship once the shields got depleted.
The party was surprised to see a large mass of biological goo when they were repairing the hull.

It's a neat idea but it's probably a common enough problem at CR 5 that the station has some kind of scan or check for this foe

I actually like this idea of a fallback in case it looks like the party is going to wipe. Make the next hit look nastier than it was, have the Gar retreat, then have mystery deaths unfold in the day or two after while they recoup.
They're station famous now thanks to the Eoxian ambassador leaking footage, and any number of characters could have linked their return, their fight with the monster (or monsters in general, if the gar wasn't specifically shown). Depending on the character, they can come at the characters accusingly (YOU brought this monster on the station!) or from a pleading/dutiful standpoint (You fought this thing before, you can do it again/finish the job), or just the Starfinders putting two and two together/ putting them on the case.

As for characters: If the party only chatted with the Level 21 gang and didn't massacre the whole thing/piss them off, the Ysoki leader might come to them/arrange a meeting, telling the party party about a monster that has started a killing spree.
Someone from Hardscrabble Collective could come to the party after someone on another ship was brutally murdered and splayed out like the bodies in the cave. You could then have a short horror/suspense encounter on a ghost ship or in a warehouse on the station. Any number of maps can be recycled/pulled in for the encounter.

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