Bardess' Pathfinder Place (my blog)

Product Discussion

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I forgot to post this for the class created by my friend Aaron Hollingsworth: Valkyrie Variant Multiclassing
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Another simple class template that was missing: Omdura Simple Class Template
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This is another homage to Aaron Hollingsworth: Valkyrie Simple Class Template
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I am getting minor classes even with mythic options: Mythic Omdura Class Options
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Here’s another one: Vampire Hunter Mythic Class Options
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This was the last minor class missing: Mythic Antipaladin Class Options
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This option to be missing always bugged me: New Feat: Magical Beast Wild Shape
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In the Mythic Character Codex, this mythic wizard class options was missing: Mythic Arcane Schools
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Elementalist wizards should get their own mythic schools too: Mythic Elemental Arcane Schools

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My newest book for Legendary Games is out! Please enjoy Legendary Classes: Bloodline Disciple

Here’s the announcement on my blog

A bit of exclusive content will appear tomorrow on my Patreon. If you like my work, please consider donating!

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Non-core domains that still were lacking mythic options: Scalykind and Void! New Mythic Domains
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Here’s something else that was missing in the Mythic Character Codex: Mythic Subdomains for Clerics
Also, please consider donating to my Patreon!

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A mini-series with new options for mythic sorcerers: New Mythic Sorcerer Bloodlines
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Second part, mythic bloodlines from Div to Ghoul: New Mythic Sorcerer Bloodlines, Part 2
Also, please consider donating to my Patreon!

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Third part: mythic bloodlines from Harrow to Maestro. New Mythic Sorcerer Bloodlines, Part 3
Also, please consider donating to my Patreon!

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Fourth part (Marid to Pestilence): New Mythic Sorcerer Bloodlines, Part 4
Also, please consider donating to my Patreon!

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Fifth part (Phoenix to Salamander): New Mythic Bloodlines for Sorcerers, Part 5
Also, please consider donating to my Patreon!

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Sixth part (Scorpion to Shapechanger): New Mythic Bloodlines for Sorcerers, Part 6

Also, please consider donating to my Patreon!

And if you wish, check on my novel on Amazon

I published a new booklet on Pathfinder Infinite! Holy Ragers

Here’s the announcement on my blog

Also, please consider donating to my Patreon!

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Last part of New Mythic Bloodlines: Solar to Vestige! New Mythic Bloodlines for Sorcerers, Part 7
Also, please consider donating to my Patreon!

And if you wish, check on my novel on Amazon

I forgot to cover this before when I was creating tradition for all classes: Shifter Martial Tradition for Spheres of Might
Also, please consider donating to my Patreon!

And if you wish, check on my novel on Amazon

Shifters don’t cast spells but Sphere shifters should: Shifter Casting Tradition for Spheres of Power
Also, please consider donating to my Patreon!

And if you wish, check on my novel on Amazon

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