Bardess' Pathfinder Place (my blog)

Product Discussion

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A mesmerist needs both a casting and a trade tradition. Mesmerist Trade Tradition for Spheres of Guile
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Patron request: Asp Naga Bloodline from Rokugan: Legends of the Five Rings
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Warpriests are a combat class as much as a caster class. Warpriest Martial Tradition for Spheres of Might
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More virtuous, more martial, and with a steed: Paladin Martial Tradition for Spheres of Might
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Martial classes need one tradition only: Gunslinger Martial Tradition for Spheres of Might
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Magi need flexibility in their choices: Magus Martial Tradition for Spheres of Might
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A brawler needs only one tradition: Brawler Martial Tradition for Spheres of Might
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Alchemists need the combat spheres that were made just for them. Alchemist Martial Tradition for Spheres of Might
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Occultists are in for access to the Spellhacking sphere: Occultist Trade Tradition for Spheres of Guile
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Patron Request: Greensnake Naga Bloodline from Rokugan: Legends of the Five Rings
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The vigilante will require MUCH attention as to Sphere traditions. Let’s start with this: Vigilante Trade Tradition for Spheres of Guile
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The vigilante needs many different traditions for magic and combat, depending on the archetype you select. Vigilante Warlock Casting Tradition for Spheres of Power
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Some hope for the new year that is coming. Hope Subdomain for Worldcenter
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How a sacred vigilante would cast her spells. Zealot Vigilante Casting Tradition for Spheres of Power
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Majokko and sentai heroes need a tradition too. Magical Child Casting Tradition for Spheres of Power
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All of us need hope for this new year. Witch Patron: Hope
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For nature-oriented vigilantes: Avenging Beast Vigilante Casting Tradition for Spheres of Power
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Martial traditions for vigilante specializations. Avenger Vigilante Martial Tradition for Spheres of Might
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Like a rogue, but not quite: Stalker Vigilante Martial Tradition for Spheres of Might
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Like a ninja but not quite: Teisatsu Vigilante Martial Tradition for Spheres of Might
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1 person marked this as a favorite.

Your consistent output and motivation are very inspiring. Happy New Year.

Awww, you are a sunshine. Thank you.

And here’s the true ninja. Ninja Martial Tradition for Spheres of Might
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Like a witch, but not quite. Cabalist Vigilante Casting Tradition for Spheres of Power
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Two posts today:
Brute Vigilante Martial Tradition for Spheres of Might
Fighter Martial Tradition for Spheres of Might

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Less versatile and more focused than warriors: Barbarian Martial Tradition for Spheres of Might
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Less muscular and more athletic than barbarians: Bloodrager Martial Tradition for Spheres of Might
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Another prestige class deserving traditions of its own: Rage Prophet Casting Tradition for Spheres of Power
Thank you everyone for following me through 1,000 blog posts and more.

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Completing the array for this class: Rage Prophet Martial Tradition for Spheres of Might
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Even little classes deserve some love: Vampire Hunter Casting Tradition for Spheres of Power
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Since they are proficient in martial weapons, vampire hunters can have this. Vampire Hunter Martial Tradition for Spheres of Might
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Completing the trio of traditions for vampire hunters: Vampire Hunter Trade Tradition for Spheres of Guile
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Some love for another minor class: Omdura Casting Tradition for Spheres of Power
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One reminder for the latest two posts in the blog: Omdura Variant Multiclassing and Vampire Hunter Variant Multiclassing
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These were needed: Vampire Hunter Favored Class Bonuses
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Here’s another gap filled for a minor class: Omdura Favored Class Bonuses
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Simple class templates are still needed for some classes: Vampire Hunter Creature Template
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This was missing too! Shifter Variant Multiclassing
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Even monsters can change their shapes: Shifter Simple Creature Template
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She deserved a tradition with her name: Rogue Martial Tradition for Spheres of Might
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Not every rogue is a thief: Rogue Trade Tradition for Spheres of Guile
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My latest build for my eldest son: Fhago Kwideus, Wild Child
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And this is the build for my youngest: Jojet, Thundercaller Bard
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I tried a Genius build for a character (but I ultimately preferred another solution). Killit Aurabuca, Genius
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A build for my friends’ daughter: Savie, Invoker Witch
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A new complement for the Aelf race: New Aelf Favored Class Bonuses
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And here’s another Aelf character using the rules from the latest post: Mastom, Beast Rider

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If the inquisitor can have one, then the omdura can too: Omdura Martial Tradition for Spheres of Might
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The minor classes need these too: Sphere Omdura Archetype
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Another simple spherecasting archetype to build upon: Sphere Vampire Hunter Archetype
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For April’s Fool Day: Bear Sphere Drawbacks for Spheres of Power
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