Mirical and Wish spells, 7th and 9th level

Rules Questions

Hello all!

I am reading up on the spells and was hoping for cerification on Wish and Mirical spells. The wording is the same in each. They state that the save dc is as a 7th level spell and that all other effects are as a 9th level spell. Starfinder does not have spells past 6th, so what does this mean?

Thanks all!

I think it means that if there are in the future effects that dispel or nullify or otherwise affect magic by spell level (think Globe of Invulnerability, but higher level), you treat it as 9th level. But right now I can't think of anything where it matters.

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

It also means that if you use one of these spells to duplicate any other spell, the applicable DC will be as a 7th (See page 241, spell saving throws), and any rules that refer to spell level treats it as 9.

Thanks for clarifying!

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