Quest: Into the Unknown assigning rewards questions

Starfinder Society

Grand Lodge

Just ran through quest 1, Station. I'll try to keep it organized:

1: Just from the first quest, I see an issue with money rewards. The mercenaries each have a credstick with 250cr on them, equaling a total of 750cr between the 3 of them. This reward is greater than the 1st quest's credit reward of 140cr, not to mention the reward of 720cr for the 5th quest.
If looted, do the players keep this 250cr-750cr independent of the quest reward of 140cr, even after the questline is over? If they do keep it, is it divvied up or do they each get the full value?

2: The boss (if you can call her that) of the first quest has a "flight suit stationwear" item that shows in the chronicle sheet. The players found a way to peacefully resolve the conflict (after 2 merc died but still) and spared her but the GM did not have time to give the encounter rewards at a later part in the quest, largely because it's right at the end. The players did confiscate her weapon and arrested her for graverobbery and being undead in a no-undead zone.
Should the GM grant the stationwear item on the chronicle sheet or cross it off?

3: Back to the subject of money, and for that matter other numerical rewards--are the credits, exp, and fame listed on the sheet cumulative or additive?
To clarify my meaning, would a player get 1 exp for each quest he went through for a total of 5, or would they receive just 1 exp no matter how many quests they went through?
Similarly, for credits and fame would they receive the stated reward for each quest or is it a cumulative reward? If cumulative and a player misses a quest but comes back for a later one, should I figure out how much they missed out on and subtract it from their total?

Grand Lodge 5/5

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

1. No, the players do not keep the credsticks, but only gain the amount listed on the chronicle sheet. Besides, the 140 credits on the chronicle is more than 750 credits divided by 6 (125). Yes it's less when there's only 4 (187,5) or 5 (150) players.
The 720 credits is only for completing all 5 quests.

2. Yes, they defeated the encounter, thus get access to the gear.

3. Credits and other are cumulative, XP and Fame & Reputation are not.
Sorry that was wrong. You get what the line indicated based on the amount of quests done. The exception is Other. If you did at least 3 quests you get the first boon. If you did all 5 you get both boons. If you did 4 quests you still get the first boon, but no the second.

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