Some Homebrew Orc-Exclusive Rage Power Ideas

Homebrew and House Rules

Hello. I'm making a "faction" (something like Cyphermages, or Pathfinders, etc) for this homebrew world (just take a look at the Homebrew Settlement Generator here to know what I'm talking about).

The first one is called the Apocalypse's Ax, and it's an orc only group that has one goal in mind-the death of all other humanoids, and the total enslavement of all other creatures. I'm thinking of some ideas for some rage powers that orc barbarians in this faction would use. Here's what I got so far:

Squash the Small: This would be a high level rage power, for one reason: it allows the orc barbarian to attack a creature who has a bonus to AC due to size as if their size bonus was halved (aka: +0 for Small, +1 for Tiny, +2 for Diminutive, etc). Not sure which would be better for this choice-make it a REALLY high level choice (like 10th or 12th level), or make it available at 4th level, but can only use it for one attack while raging, then an additional usage every say 4 levels?

Greater Orc Ferocity: This one would obviously only be available if the half-orc or orc has the orc ferocity racial trait; I'm not too sure what to do with this, except that it utilizes the orc ferocity trait-perhaps to be able to be treated as if the orc ferocity's effect can happen twice, or maybe allows it to gain even more temporary hit points while raging?

Break the Big: What sounds like a reverse of the first idea is instead something a bit different-instead, the orc barbarian actually gains a bonus to attack and/or damage rolls against creatures of any size larger than it. Could obviously start off with a +1 bonus first, then gradually increasing as levels progress.

Of course, these are just a few ideas, and there's a really good chance that official rage powers with these effects already exist. Just let me know what can work, and any advice or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

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