GenCon reporting?

GM Discussion

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Starfinder Superscriber

Three of the seven tables I ran at GenCon aren't showing up in my list of tables GMed. I believe I've heard that there seems to be some systematic database problem with reported tables not showing up. Is this the case? Is there any hope that the lost information will be found? Since I turned in the reporting sheet, I don't have much information about them other than which scenario they were and when I ran them.

In the rush to get things finished, I didn't take good notes on whom I was giving GM credit to, and I fear I've forgotten in some cases. I was hoping my online record would tell me, but alas a couple of those sessions are missing.

The Exchange 1/5 5/5 ***

Same here, two sessions I GMed aren't recorded and two sessions I played. I saw another thread stating the database problem and also that one of the specials and some of the ACG scenarios haven't been put into the system at all.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Yes, there is a problem with the database causing reported sessions to not appear in your history. Additionally, 9-00 and season 4 of ACG not available in the system to report yet. Repairing the database for organized play may not be high on the priority list, so it could be some time before the issue resolved. Until such time, please DO NOT report missing sessions from Gen Con to the organizing team as there is nothing we can do about it at this time and with the numerous threads, chats, etc where this subject has come up, we cannot keep up with reports anyway. Once the issues are resolved, we will notify the community and then call for missing data reports.

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