PBP Gameplay Thread Issue

Website Feedback

Hey Folks

Set up a new Starfinder pbp game and did some renaming of the campaign.

Activated the OOC thread for character development (its a closed recruitment) and gameplay thread to allow dotting and deleting.

One of my players flagged up that they tried to post in the gameplay thread and the post got eaten. Tried it as well and getting no preview and no visible post.

Could someone have a look and see what the issue/possible fix is?


Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

Hello Black Dow,

Not sure exactly what would be causing that, going to be moving this thread to Website Feedback to see if anyone there knows how to tinker with it.


Hey Katina

Thanks for the update - hopefully one of the Ysoki Web Techs will be able to bodge a fix :)



Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

Hi BD,

After a little bit of poking and chatting with our community team, we were able to get this fixed! It looks like there was a hiccup in our system which caused your thread to go into a weird hidden state. I've removed it, and you should be free to start up a new one. Just let me know if you have any further issues.


Hey KD :)

Working perfectly thanks - stealth thread mode should have only been activated when my players were acting up lol.

Thanks again for the assist and feedback - much appreciated.



Hey Katina

Update on the thread issues - everything seemed to be working okay, but one of my players posted in the game thread and it did not register him as a PC.

Wondering if there still might be a glitch or two lurking under the surface?

@maesh6: Did you get all your issues resolved? Easy fix?

- BD

Maesh, did you delete the first post of your gameplay thread? That will mess things up for certain. Often, the issue with gameplay threads where the players cannot post seem to occur when the GM deletes the very first post. It's a mistake I made once, too! The good news is that Customer Service can fix it!

I now like to have a single sentence with the title of my game as the first post, so that the system can have something there for the rest of the posters to add their posts to.


Hey Hmm

I've a sneaky suspicion I did that with my gameplay thread...

Regardless good to hear there is a fix :) - will leave it in the capable hands of Katina & Co



Subtle Bump :)

Hey Folks

My game thread went live this weekend, so am hoping that an issues regarding players (and characters) being registered will get a fix sooner o'er later.



Fixed itself..? All is working now :)



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