Engineer Class?

Homebrew and House Rules

I'm trying to make a class based around making traps and engineering, does anyone have a class suggestion?

First of all, are you talking about a class for Pathfinder or Starfinder?

In Pathfinder...

You might want to condiser an Unchained Rogue, or maybe an Investigator.

If you're looking for more specialization...

The Trapsmith (rogue archetype) from the Advanced Players Guide might be exactly what you're looking for.

There's also the Sapper (rogue archetype) from Dungeoneer's Handbook.

You might also want to look at the Snare Setter rogue archetype from Kobolds of Golarion. This archetype has "race: kobold" as a requirement as listed, but you might be able to convince a GM to allow it for other races. I don't see anything particularly restricted to kobolds in the write-up.

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