Computers and Item levels

Rules Questions

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Pretty much every item in Starfinder has an "item level". However, the word "item level" does not seem to appear anywhere in the Equipment section on computers (p. 213). Computers instead have tiers.

Page 235 says we can craft a computer with tier equal to 1/2 ranks in engineering of computer, but doesn't mention anything about a computer's item level.

Com units say they can be upgraded at 110% of the price of a computer (p 218), but that doesn't seem to increase the item level. It also seems like it might to allow me to ignore the increased bulk, and ignore the need to pay extra to reduce the bulk of the computer to a smaller computer. (Intentionally?) I'd probably argue that to make a computer fit, I'd have to pay for the bulk reduction to the point it can fit in a commlink...but that also increases the price of the computer, so it seems weird to have to pay for both...but none of that increases the item level.)

Where do we find information on the item level for computers?

Glav wrote:

Pretty much every item in Starfinder has an "item level". However, the word "item level" does not seem to appear anywhere in the Equipment section on computers (p. 213). Computers instead have tiers.

Where do we find information on the item level for computers?

In general levels seem to be intended to - regardless of price - keep overpowered out of the hands of low level characters. Computes seem to be a partial exception, though obviously there's still a credit limitation.

To integrate a computer with a comm unit, design it like you would if you weren't going to combine them. Then multiply the cost be 110% and add it to the 7 credit cost of the basic comm. I would say if you want to use it like any 'normal' unit (wrist, headset, etc.) you need to pay enough miniaturization to get it down to L bulk or less.

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