Proper Reporting Procedure Question

Starfinder Society


Starfinder Charter Superscriber

For the SFS reporting sheets, what is supposed to be tracked in the Faction Boons box?

When reporting an event, there is no corresponding field to enter, and I want to be sure I don't have to backtrack months later to try and determine what should have been in that box.


Dark Archive 4/5

As best I can tell, that's for any reputation gained due to a faction being featured (see 1-03 where it calls out Wayfinders). After the A/B/C/D boxes up top there's another box asking about special faction objective fulfilled - I believe this is where it's reported if the PCs get that extra reputation.

If I'm wrong, please someone let me know! :)

Silver Crusade 5/55/55/5

Thanks so much! Seems clear now...

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