Build Operative with dip in Blitz?



I plan to play a ghost operative, with some focus on speed move. I am curious, would you consider a dip of 1 level in Blitz Soldier a good move or is it not worth it?

I mean +4 initiative and +10 in speed seem great (+ the fact that I could use grenades if needed, or almost any weapon.) but I'm no expert in minimaxing.

On a larger scale what dips would you think worth it for an operative, if any?


Scarab Sages

For an operative, I don't think a solder dip is worth it. So much of your combat ability is level dependent, and you really have little need for heavy armor or advanced weapons because truck attacks don't work with them.
So you're delaying all of your class features in exchange for an extra 10 movement and +4 initiative. Those are nice things, but I don't think it's worth it.

Not worth it at all, Operatives are fine, and everything they have is level dependent, you would lose more than you would gain.

Imbicatus wrote:

For an operative, I don't think a solder dip is worth it. So much of your combat ability is level dependent, and you really have little need for heavy armor or advanced weapons because truck attacks don't work with them.

So you're delaying all of your class features in exchange for an extra 10 movement and +4 initiative. Those are nice things, but I don't think it's worth it.

For a truck attack, all you need is a ranks in piloting, i think.

Also, do the Blitz speed boost and operative speed boost stack? That's the real question.

Scarab Sages

Trick attack. Autocorrect strikes again.

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