Caster |

Hello Kingmaker community.
I've been compiling resources to run KM for the last couple of years now. Its been in the queue for my gaming group for after we wrap up a couple of other campaigns, and I was all set to start running it. That is until I lost everything. My external hard drive physically broke and the hard drive on my laptop crashed. I lost everything.
So, I'm in the process of rebuilding things. I've searched these boards for all the goodies I was planning on using, and I've got most things back. Unfortunately, I had started the process of writing custom content, backgrounds, NPC write-up's, etc, so I'm working on trying to recreate that stuff.
One thing I haven't been able to find are some random encounter charts that were usable for the first and second books. I don't know who created them, and my forum board searching hasn't found them. Truthfully, I'm not even sure if I got them from these boards or not. It is possible they were pulled from ENWorld, Reddit, or somewhere else.
The tables in question had a couple of sub-tables that included some random settlements and dragons if I remember. I could recreate some myself of course, but I thought they were pretty good.
Is anyone familiar with what I'm talking about? If so, do you have a link to them?

Vivificient |

Methinks you are seeking this thread here: Redcelt's Game of Thrones
Scroll down and you will find the tables you are looking for.

Caster |

Methinks you are seeking this thread here: Redcelt's Game of Thrones
Scroll down and you will find the tables you are looking for.
Thank you Vivificient! It was right in front of me the whole time.

ZanzerTem |

Semi on topic - Our game group uses a shared Google Drive for everything. Never have to worry about losing stuff, and everything is right there on hand if anyone needs it. I'm sure you could do the same with Dropbox/Onedrive or whatever else you want.
Store your stuff in the cloud and never lose it again!