Grand Lodge Faction Journal: a couple of questions

Pathfinder Society


Greetings, Pathfinders!

Tried searching the forums and trawling the product thread, but didn't find answers to a couple of specific questions about the Grand Lodge Faction Journal Card.

I'm dusting off some characters that haven't seen play in a few years, and am hoping to succeed in missions for the Grand Lodge whilst playing Scenarios at GenCon. (Also, I realize I might have done one old character incorrectly!)

1. For the "Complete at least three consecutive scenarios in which you completed both the primary and secondary success conditions."

a) Suppose I have a lvl 1 character who successfully completed 2 scenarios at full pp in the storied days of yesteryear. I then dust off the cobwebs and complete my third scenario at full pp. Could I get a check for completing this goal?

b) Suppose I have a lvl 1 character that completed 2 scenarios at full pp. in season 6. I dust off the slightly less thick cobwebs and complete a third scenario at full pp. Could I get a check for completing this goal?

(I'm assuming the answer to both is yes, because I'm completing the 3rd/4th/5th/6th scenario, and I'm not trying to claim credit for achieving the goal retroactively [i.e. if I'd completed 3 in days of yore, I'd need to complete at least a 4th during the 'open season' for Faction Journals to check that box.] Also, if it was a cumulative effect that had to be actively achieved over 3 scenarios, one would expect 3 boxes to check. But I realized I should probably ask. Because I lack a "dispel magic" scroll for if I'm wrong... :-))

c) are GM'd scenarios skipped for these purposes? (I presume they are, but realize I could be wrong).

2. "Expedition Co-ordinator" (you can forgo your Downtime to organize an expedition to gather missed PP.) Is this required to be used immediately upon completion of the relevant scenario? (I'm guessing yes?)

Thanks, and look forward to rollin' some dice soon!

Addendum: 3.

For the "Adventure in a nation other than Absalom. You may only receive credit for visiting a particular nation once. Checking one of this Goal's boxes does not prevent you from checking one box for a different goal." Is the restriction sheet/season specific? I would normally assume that goals are wholly separate from each-other, including any restrictions on said goals... but given the nature of this goal, I wasn't sure.

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I'm surprised this question hasn't gotten answered! I've had similar questions for a while. I'm just going to chime in as a fellow player with a GM who is known to be reasonable.

My policy has been to check in with the GM that I'm playing with before checking a box at the end of a scenario. If nothing else, if there's a problem, you can blame your GM. =)

1a, 1b) I don't know why those would not count, as long as the present scenario makes the 3rd or 6th one in a row that you've gotten both the primary and secondary success conditions. (With that said, I have also double counted scenarios, which to me seems perfectly reasonable: i.e. I counted Scenario 3-5 for the 3 scenarios in a row goal, checking a box at the end of scenario 5, and then counted Scenario 3-8 for the 6 scenarios in a row goal, checking a box at the end of Scenario 8.

1c) I figured that they wouldn't, but given the vague wording, I'm not sure if there's a RAW reason that they wouldn't. "Complete" is horribly vague.

2) I assumed that Expedition Coordinator would have to be activated immediately. I'm not sure why you wouldn't, unless you're trying to get PP back from a scenario that played before you had the boon, in which case I don't think you could use it for that scenario. Again, no proof though, so any other input would be appreciated.

3) This is the question that has been nagging me for ages. My GM and I don't see why you'd have to stay on the same season. Originally that might have been the intention, but that seems to be absurd now that there have been multiple seasons with this same location boon. We've decided that it's OK to cross-check. If other people object, I blame him! ^-^

Hope this helps!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Another conversation that would have fit in Faction Talk.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

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In case the OP is still looking for answers -

Redgar wrote:

1. For the "Complete at least three consecutive scenarios in which you completed both the primary and secondary success conditions."

a) Suppose I have a lvl 1 character who successfully completed 2 scenarios at full pp in the storied days of yesteryear. I then dust off the cobwebs and complete my third scenario at full pp. Could I get a check for completing this goal?

b) Suppose I have a lvl 1 character that completed 2 scenarios at full pp. in season 6. I dust off the slightly less thick cobwebs and complete a third scenario at full pp. Could I get a check for completing this goal?

Sure. Calendar year is only important for beginning a new card. If you started on the old card in the proper season you can keep on working on it.

Redgar wrote:
c) are GM'd scenarios skipped for these purposes? (I presume they are, but realize I could be wrong).

Yes, only scenarios where there was a risk of you not getting the full PP count. So a module or a group special where everyone automatically gets the full award doesn't count either.

Redgar wrote:
2. "Expedition Co-ordinator" (you can forgo your Downtime to organize an expedition to gather missed PP.) Is this required to be used immediately upon completion of the relevant scenario? (I'm guessing yes?)


Redgar wrote:
For the "Adventure in a nation other than Absalom. You may only receive credit for visiting a particular nation once. Checking one of this Goal's boxes does not prevent you from checking one box for a different goal." Is the restriction sheet/season specific? I would normally assume that goals are wholly separate from each-other, including any restrictions on said goals... but given the nature of this goal, I wasn't sure.

Yes, new card means you start going to those places again.


Thanks to HSalgo and Lau Bannenberg for your helpful advice/perspective!

I was, indeed, still in need of answers (ended up playing less PFS than I planned at GenCon... did too well in the Doomtown tournies. ;)) and thought my thread had been lost to the dustbin of history.

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