Could we at least get the paizo blog into the campaign clarifications?

Pathfinder Society

Scarab Sages 2/5

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So, i started cruzing through the stickied thread this morning, and discovered an answer to a question ive had for weeks.

I bought a ring of eloquence for a effrit-blooded scorceror. I thought getting the series of elemental languages (auran, aquan, ignan and terran) would be cool and themeatic. And after all, I choose the skill in my head band of intellegence, and a few other items of a similar nature exist, with factors chosen by the creator of the item that have other legal options.

I looked at the Additional Resources, the Campaign Clarifications, the Organized Play FAQ, and the Advanced Class Guide FAQ. None of these sources listed any restrictions on the use of the Ring of eloquence, and the item description states other language combinations exist.

So imagine my surprise, after playing the character last night and locking in the purchase, when i started reading a thread compiling blog and forum posts clarifying rules for organized play and found a link to a Sep 2014 blog post which produced official PFS rulings. Do I now need to keep an entire archive of the blog at hand as yet another source of rules? What is the point of the Additional Resources, Campaign Clarifications, and Oraganized play FAQ pages, if I still cant reliably determine what has and has not been ruled legal for play?

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