isaic16 |

Hi all. I've just put together a few characters. I haven't done many update passes on them, so they're still rough, but I've got a deadline on getting them done, so I wanted them out in the public ASAP for review.
The character designs (names removed to protect the innocent) are essentially designs to represent myself and my girlfriend, as part of a birthday gift I'm planning for her, hence the not very archetypal concepts. I tied to still make them feasible characters in game, though, so let me know what you think!
Character 1:
Strength d8 [] [] []
Dexterity d6 []
Constitution d8 [] [] []
-Fortitude Con+1
Intelligence d12 [] [] [] []
-Knowledge Int+2
Wisdom d4 []
Charism d6 [] [] []
-Diplomacy Cha+2
Favored Card: Armor
Weapon: 1 [] []
Spell: -
Armor: 2 []
Item: 4 [] [] []
Ally: 3 []
Blessing: 5 [] [] []
Hand Size 5 []6
Proficiency: Light Armor
Recharge an Item ([] or Blessing) to use your knowledge skill in place of your Melee ([] or Arcane or Divine) skill.
When a character at your location encounters a monster, you may discard a card to reduce the difficulty of checks to defeat that monster by your diplomacy skill.
Character 2
Strength: d6 [] []
Dexterity: d4
Constitution: d6 []
Intelligence: d8 [] [] [] []
-Knowledge: Int+1
Wisdom: d8 [] [] [] []
-Survival: Wis+2
Charisma: d10 [] [] [] []
-Divine: Cha+2
Favored Card Type: Ally
Weapon: - []
Spell: 4 [] []
Armor: - []
Item: 2 []
Ally: 5 [] []
Blessing: 4 [] [] []
Hand Size: 6 []7
You may display Allies that have the Rat trait. Characters at your location add +1 to checks to acquire ([] or to defeat) for each displayed rat. If they succeed on the check to acquire, they recharge the acquired card and you recharge a displayed Rat. If you fail a combat check, recharge all displayed rats.
If a character at your location would fail a check, you may discard a card to allow them to reroll 1 die ([] or two dice) ([] and add 1d4).

Doppelschwert |

Hey, I'l try to help you as far as I can.
Char 1:
- The skills add up to 44 instead of 42
- Knowledge in his power should have a capital K
Char 2:
- I think the rat ally power is too convoluted. It is strange that everyone at your location gets the combat benefit, but the rats go away only if *you* fail the check. How about this version:
At the start of your turn, you may display any number of allies that have the Rat trait; if you fail a combat check, recharge all allies displayed this way.
When a character at your location attempts a check to acquire ([]or to defeat), you may add the number of displayed allies to the check; if she succeeds to acquire a card, she recharges it.

isaic16 |

Hey, I'l try to help you as far as I can.
Char 1:
- The skills add up to 44 instead of 42
- Knowledge in his power should have a capital KChar 2:
- I think the rat ally power is too convoluted. It is strange that everyone at your location gets the combat benefit, but the rats go away only if *you* fail the check. How about this version:At the start of your turn, you may display any number of allies that have the Rat trait; if you fail a combat check, recharge all allies displayed this way.
When a character at your location attempts a check to acquire ([]or to defeat), you may add the number of displayed allies to the check; if she succeeds to acquire a card, she recharges it.
Good catch! Like I said, I put them together pretty quick, so I'm not surprised I made such a careless error.
I like the way you wrote the second power, and will likely steal it. To explain it what is happening, the idea is that the rats will help you, but then will run off with whatever treasures they collect, and also will run away if they're threatened.