Should a Rakshasa Rajadhiraja be able to grant spells like a god / demigod?

Homebrew and House Rules

What do you think of the idea of a high level Rajadhiraja being able to grant spells to their followers? The descriptions of Rakshasas seem to support this, since they believe underlings should be worshiping them, not the "real" gods. Are there ramifications I may be missing?

Seems fine for a specific baddy. Mythic enables this with ease. I see no problem with mythic rakshasa.

The ones that can do it should be named, defined, unique entities that grant access to specific domains just like any quasi-deity.

Sovereign Court

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They already have demigods.

The Rakshasha Immortals.

Aksha, Ravana, etc...see bestiary 3 for the list of them.

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