Dizzydoo42 |

New spells for old!!! Often we take for granted the possibilities that a spell has. Playing it the tried and true manner, because that is the way it has always been played. This is SHOCKING GRASP is one of these spells. Indulge me when I ask you to A before you B.
[A].You have to qualify to participate,. You must tell us one stupid thing you did with electricity or tell us true story about yourself and electricity.
[B]ll Then tell us how you would breath more life into the shocking grasp spell
[A1] When I was nine years old (old enough to know better), I put a naked wire into an outlet. It began sparking and it turned bright red. I reached for it and pulled it out of the outlet. I burned my thumb and my forefinger and that charred oder (just the opposite of barbecue) reached up into my nose and slapped my brain around. " Boy, you ought to know better." came from the little voice on left shoulder and from my right shoulder came a voice that said "Let's do it again.” Here is two tor the price of one; [A2] I have a deep brain stimulator. It conducts a small amount of electricity from my stimulators under the skin on my chest through wires that go trough my neck and into my brain. My little brother likes to use my controller to switch me off and on, He likes to watch my face scrunch up when the current comes back on. It takes me couple of hours to get back to normal,
[B] The spell says Creature or object touched. would it not need somebody complete the circuit and wouldn't the spell caster be in that circuit and take damage also. The spell is instantaneous.
Just wear a sweater on a cold day., and walk up and touch someone. Snap. Even the most durable adventurer should be stunned. Atleast need a moment to clear his head, This much electricity going off nearby is going to effect the playing environment . Think about it, then tell how feel about it.

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[A] I was trying to hotwire the control box for an old basketball scoreboard by bypassing the broken keypad and directly crossing some wires. Much of the work was done with it unplugged, but some other people nearby thought it would be fun to plug it in while I was working. Left my stomach queasy for a few hours.
[B] There should be some way to charge up Tech item batteries using shocking grasp.