[LPJ Design] Undefeatable 27: Shaman and Undefeatable 28: Oracle for The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Now available

Product Discussion

[LPJ Design] Undefeatable 27: Shaman and Undefeatable 28: Oracle for The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Now available

Louis Porter Jr. Design, has released Undefeatable 27: Shaman and Undefeatable 28: Oracle for The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game at RPGNow.com and DriveThruRPG.com. Here is information on these products:

Undefeatable is the new supplement line for fans of The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game who are looking to add more interesting a different feats to their gaming sessions.

Undefeatable 27 which focuses on Slayer has nearly 20 feats including Bane of Spirits, Blessed Hex, Detect Spirits, Powerful Spirit Animal, and Share Hex that are perfect to be used in any game setting. This 5 page PDF is just the sort of thing needed for GMs to add depth to any great Pathfinder Roleplaying Game gaming session. Written by Mike Kimmel.

Undefeatable 28 which focuses on Oracle has over 20 feats including Arcane Mysteries, Distracting Babble, Eye for an Ear, Living Death and One Hand to the Flame that are perfect to be used in any game setting. This 4 page PDF is just the sort of thing needed for GMs to add depth to any great Pathfinder Roleplaying Game gaming session. Written by Mike Wallace.

Undefeatable 27: Shaman now available at RPGNow.com here!

Undefeatable 28: Oracle now available at RPGNow.com here!

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